~* Chapter 8 *~

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Clay pushes open a door in the rock wall that we are facing. After flying for a long time, struggling to keep the RainWing from flying away and helping Sun breathe the whole time here, I am running out of patience.

Clay stands aside and nods his head. I sweep past him quickly, without a word, and go down the hallway marked Medical Centre. Sun makes a pained noise on my back and I rearrange my wings, trying to keep her comfortable. I enter the centre, Sun's strained and snuffly breathing making me panicky.

"Someone, help!" I call desperately. "My daughter is dying!"

A RainWing healer hurries out from behind a curtain and looks at Sun. "Poor thing," she murmurs, feeling Sun's forehead. "Fever, chills, trouble breathing?"

I nod. "Please help," I say, my voice cracking. I swore to protect my girls. But I don't know how to save Sun.

The RainWing healer gently lifts her up. Sun stirs and blinks weakly, then coughs up some blood. I feel tears brim in my eyes.

"You're going to be OK, Sunny girl," I say in a choked voice. "I'll be right back. The nice doctors here will make you better."

Sun nods and manages a weak half smile. The RainWing places her on the bed and calls a few of her colleagues in. "We'll help as best we can," she tells me quietly. "But we need you to step outside."

I nod again. "Thank you..."

"Leek. Doctor Leek."

"Thank you." I glance over at Sun one more time, then leave the room. I slowly make my way down the hall. Clay smiles sadly when he sees me.

"How is she?"

"Not so good," I reply, my heart heavy.

"I have faith in the doctors here," Clay promises. "They'll help her."

I nod. It's the only thing I feel capable of doing at the moment.

"Qibli and Snow are making themselves comfortable in one of our sleeping caves," he said, pointing to a tunnel. "One down and to the right."

"Thank you," I whisper, and follow his directions. Qibli looks up as I enter the cave.

"Oh my moons, Winter," he says, running over me and wrapping his warm, familiar wings around me. "How is she? How is our baby girl?"

I start crying. "They say they can help her, but I don't know if... if she'll be alright, or..."

Qibli's crying too, I can tell. He sits me down on the makeshift bed and rubs my back. Snow joins us, her normally snarky exterior gone as tears run silently down her face.

Poor Snow. Poor Sun. Poor all of us! What did we do to deserve this?

Why do people hate us for being a family?

They forced us to flee our home.

They made Sun sick.

They tore our girls' dragonethood away.

They want to kill my family.

They will pay.

I will make them pay.

A/N Nothing like some old-fashion Winter revenge! :)

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