~* Chapter 7 *~

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And that brings us back to present day.

I blink awake as the sunlight slowly creeps into our cave. Winter's awake, pressing his cool scales against Sun's forehead. Snow watches her with a mildly concerned look.

"My sister has a weak immune system," Snow remarks. I laugh.

"Snow, be nice."

She harrumphs at me. "I am being nice! It's a fact! Sometimes the truth hurts! Boohoo! Have a BandAid and GET OVER IT!"

"You are your father's daughter, Snow," I say, smiling.

"She really is," Winter says. "Now... doctor?"


I hesitantly fly up to the entrance cave of Jade Mountain Academy. There were too many hybrid haters in Possibility to risk going. 

The hybrid haters have divided into two sub-groups: the Hunters and the Scouters. The Scouters find the hybrids and the Hunters kill them off.

I land carefully and poke my head in. It's eerily quiet. I almost wish I was a dragonet again, figuring out prophecies, fighting baddies and hanging with my best friends 24/7... the world seemed so much more simpler back then.

I see no danger, so I flick my tail, motioning for Winter and the girls to come in. We walk cautiously down the halls, the only sound being our faintly echoing talonsteps.

Flap. Flap.

I prick up my ears.

Flap. Flap. Flap.


"Hide!" I hiss. Winter nods and shoos the girls into an empty classroom. I follow, but leave the door ajar so that I can peek out. A large, familiar-looking MudWing lands on the ledge and walks in. He looks right and left, and I catch a glimpse of his face- it's Clay!

I sigh with relief. "It's only Clay," I whisper. "Come on." I push open the door and Clay turns his head toward the sound. We step out.

"Qibli? Winter?" Clay whispers, hurrying over. "Are you guys OK? We all thought you'd been captured!"

"We're OK, more or less," I say. "Sun's got a fever. Anything you can do for her?"

"Yeah, maybe," Clay says pensively. "But we need to get out of here. They are always watching."

Out of the corner of my eye, the shadows move, rippling in the shape of an elegant dragon. A camouflaged RainWing! I discreetly flick my tail again, and Winter pounces quickly. Clay looks confused until the RainWing un-camouflages.

"Let go of me, you jerks," the RainWing snarls, baring her venomous fangs. Winter clamps her mouth shut with his claws. The RainWing makes an annoyed, I'll-melt-your-face-off-later sound.

"Are we taking her with us?" Clay whispers.

"Um... safer to leave no witnesses. The other option is killing her..." I mutter.

Clay's face pales. "Prisoner is fine."

I take some rope out of my pack and bind the RainWing's snout with it. Winter helps me tie her front claws together and Clay starts leading us... somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly.

Clay glances over his shoulder and smiles. "The rebel fortress."

A/N Not me eating my chocolate orange and plotting a depressing backstory for Cleril's son to explain why he's so grouchy! Mwahahahaha!

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