~* Chapter 14 *~

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In the end, I cave and allow the dragonets to come with us. Snow and Faith are both smart and strong; I have no doubts that they'll be fine.

However, I am slightly worried that Qibli will have a massive freak-out when he realizes one of his daughters are missing. It's not safe to send a messenger, and we can't send the dragonets back alone or risk me or Holly. So onwards it is.

I hope that Qibli won't be too mad when we return.



~~Back at the forest~~

Who am I kidding.

We're so dead when we get home.

If we get home.

That's depressing.

We're flying towards the hybrid haters' facility now. It's a cloudy night, and I can barely pick out anything except for Holly's glow-in-the-dark scales. Snow and Faith are flying fine- SandWings, RainWings and NightWings are all famed for seeing well in poor lighting.

We touch down silently and Holly opens the door with a flick of her claws. We all enter and split up, all according to plan. I look over my shoulder, ready to tell Snow something, and find she isn't there.

So maybe not all according to plan. I growl and hurry forward, scanning the cells for dragons. The ones I see are empty until I come upon a cell holding a familiar-looking fiery orange dragon.

"Peril!" I whisper. She turns, surprised, and looks at me.

"Winter?" she says. "Oh, thank the moons. Get me out of here!"

I examine the lock on the door. "Do you know where the keys are?"

"No!" she says, rolling her eyes. "I'd have busted out of here beforehand if I did!"

I shrug and start picking the lock with my claws. The door swings open and I cautiously creep into her cell. "How did they hold you here?"

Peril wrinkles her snout. "Anemone's stupid son and his stupid animus powers," she snarls. "Took away my firescales. Permanently."

"I'm sure we can get Turtle to reverse it," I say, working on the cuffs around her forearms.

"Ugh, he better," Peril says grumpily. "Then I'mma tell him what a jerk his nephew is. What's his name again?"

I shrug again. "Urchin?"

Peril scowls. "No, that's their little girl. Swordfish, that's it!" She calls Swordfish some very unflattering names and shakes off the shackles. "Thanks."

"No problem." We exit her cell, and I sigh. "We need to find our kids."

"Skyfire!" Peril's blue eyes widen in panic. "Where is he? Where is my baby?"

"We'll find him," I promise. "But keep an eye out for my daughter, Snow. She came her with me and-"

"You brought your daughter here?" Peril demands. "Are you crazy? This place is terrible!"

"She snuck away from Qibli and followed me," I say, rolling my eyes. "It was not my idea, trust me."

Peril grumbles. "Whatever. Let's just find our kids and get out of this piece of crap."


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