Chapter Twenty

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[Warning: Language, Lewd Language, Explicit Sexual Content]

~May 1987~

The last year has been hectic, between clearing Eddie’s name and him finally graduating, Steve and I decide to take a camping trip to celebrate all of our victories. “We got everything?”, Eddie asks us from the back doors of his van, “Yep, we just need to make a stop on the way out of town to grab a few extra things.”, Steve states. Eddie nods before closing the back doors, he slides into the driver’s seat beside me, he gives Steve a big grin in the rearview mirror and takes my left hand into his. Music blares from the speakers once he starts the van, we jam as we begin our trip, even Steve getting into it. It had taken some time for him to come around to liking the same music as Eddie and I, yet here he was singing along to Metallica with us.

The trip takes us a few hours to get to our destination, but the evening sun sparkling off the lake makes me grin big. After everything we have been through, we deserve some time to ourselves away from Hawkins before we leave for California in a few months. Steve is out of the van and opening the passenger side door for me once we park, Eddie makes quick work of grabbing the camping stuff from the van. My aunt and uncle chipped in to get us a three person tent for this camping trip, they have been nothing but supportive throughout the last few years, never judging our relationship dynamic as well as letting Robin and I fight to save the world.

We each take separate tasks to set up camp, Eddie goes about setting up the tent, I go to find firewood and Steve starts making a firepit for the fire. “It is so beautiful out here.”, I comment while placing more wood upon the slowly growing pile of firewood beside the chairs Steve has set up beside the fire pit. The young men state an agreement, both soon joining me in starting the camp fire once Steve finishes helping Eddie with the tent stakes. Steve passes us each a beer under the setting sun, all of us looking out of the lake at the purplish-pink sunset. Eddie leans forward in his chair to look at us, “Thank you both, for being here, sticking with me.”, he tells us.

I give him a loving smile, “Of course Eddie Bear, we love you and nothing will ever change that.”, I assure him, Steve hums in agreement. We chat for a bit as the sun finally sets beyond the horizon, the light of the roaring camp fire our only light source besides the faint moonlight above us. Suddenly I get an idea, the pair give me a confused look as I jump to my feet and make a run back to Eddie’s van, they raise their brows when I pull the small boombox I brought along for the trip. No words are spoken as I set it down on the log beside Eddie and press play in the device. A soft, sensual song can be heard coming from the boombox’s speakers, I hold out my hands to both of them, “Dance with me.”, I suggest. 

They each give me a smile while placing their hands into each one of mine, Steve stands before me and Eddie stands behind me. Eddie places his hands over Steve’s that rest on my waist, we slowly sway along to the music floating through the night air. I hum along to the song, I stare into Steve’s eyes as I pull him closer to me by the belt loops of his pants, I smirk slightly when I feel Eddie press himself closer to me from behind. No words need to be spoken between the three of us, as we have known each other for a few years now, we all know what we need and want just by a simple touch, look, tone of voice or even from body language alone. So it isn’t a surprise when Eddie moves my hair away from my neck to slowly place gentle kisses along the expanse of my flesh up to my ear. Steve leans his face closer to mine, my right hand reaches up to cup his cheek to bring his face closer to mine, a soft sigh can be heard coming from us once our lips finally connect. 

I turn my face to look at Eddie once I pull away from the kiss with Steve, he slowly grazes his nose against mine before crashing his lips to my own. This time Steve places soft kisses along the expanse of my neck that is now exposed to him as I kiss Eddie deeply. The heat from the roaring campfire cannot compare to the heat radiating from the three of us, Eddie and Steve slowly move their hands over my body. Eddie’s hands cup my breasts over my shirt, I whimper into the kiss when he gives them a slight squeeze, Steve’s hands roughly grip my waist while he suckles my sweet spot above my collarbone. He pulls away to look at the mark he left behind, he smirks at the sight before him.

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