Chapter Four

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~A Week Later~

I nervously go through my clothing, trying to find the right outfit to wear to school, granted I act like I don’t care what people say about me or think of me, I am tired of being bullied for being myself. “You alright?”, I hear a voice say from the doorway of my bedroom, I turn to see Robin staring at me with concern, she can easily see how much of a nervous wreck I am from where she is standing. “I don’t know what to wear.”, I say in an exasperated tone, she shakes her head slightly, “Wear what you always wear Y/n, don’t try to impress anyone.”, she states, she knows me to a tee. I think over her words for a few moments in silence as she leaves me to get ready. I end up settling for a pair of black cut-off shorts to wear over some fishnet stockings, I pair it with my black calf-high combat boots and a Dio shirt that I had cut the sleeves off of. 

Robin returns with her book bag in hand, “How do I look?”, I ask her while running my hand through my hair to give it a quick comb through. “Great, now let’s go, we can’t be late for your first day.”, she states. I have been given a little leniency due to starting a little late in the semester. I give a quick nod before tossing my portable music player into my bag, I pat my pockets down to make sure I have my keys and wallet before her and I run down the stairs to my car. “Have a good day girls!”, her mother yells from the kitchen as we scurry out the door like our asses are on fire. I try to drive safely through town to the high school as well as trying not to be late, she chuckles once we are parked in the lot, “Thank god we made it in one piece.”, she teases. I flip her the bird, “Fuck off, I drive fine.”, I quip back before we part ways to classes.


I am one of the last few to make it into the first class of the day, I show my new student paperwork to the teacher as everyone takes their seats. “Good morning class, we have a new student joining us today. Welcome Y/n Buckley.”, she introduces me to the class who just stare at me indifferently. I look over the faces of everyone until a specific person stands out to me, his brown eyes seem to twinkle as he looks me over. I nod once the teacher tells me to take a seat, lucky for me the only empty seat is at the back of the class beside the classmate who was just checking me out. “Nice shirt.”, he states once my butt is in the seat, I turn to smile at him, “Thanks, I like the Megadeth patch.”, I reply back, mentioning the patch on his denim vest, his smile grows more at my words.

We turn our attention back towards the teacher once she begins to go over the lesson for the day. The room fills with a cacophony of voices when she tells everyone to partner up, I watch everyone partner up with friends, leaving me and the young man beside me to ourselves. “I’m guessing no one wants to partner up with the new girl who looks like a freak.”, I mumble to myself. I look over in time to watch my classmate scoot his desk towards mine, “I guess that leaves us to partner up.”, he smirks at me once my eyes meet his. “I’m Eddie by the way.”, he holds out his right hand towards me, I take his hand into mine to give it a shake, “Nice to meet you Eddie.”, I reply with a warm smile.

I go to pull another notebook from my bag, a small polaroid falls from the pages, Eddie’s hand reaches for it to hand it back to me. “No way! You play?”, he asks me as he hands it back to me, it was the photo my mother took of me right after she got me my guitar, it’s blood red color splattered with black ink-blots. I place the photo back into the notebook, “Yeah, my mom got it for me for my birthday last year.”, I explain. “She had caught me staring at it a few times whenever I saw her in the store window. It was like it was meant to be, her and I make a hell of a team too.”, I add with a big grin. My heart flutters at his facial expressions, he isn’t looking at me with indifference or disgust, his eyes twinkle with an unadulterated joy, like he can’t believe what he is hearing.

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