Chapter 2: Leaving

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It has been a week since the announcement about their relationship has been made. All their members also had been informed when the video of Jeongwoo opening his birthday present was uploaded in their group chat. Jihoon can't help feeling sympathy after watching that video when he could see how frustrated Jeongwoo was when they announced it. It must be hard on Jeongwoo since both of them are the closest to him and Jihoon can't help feeling hurt seeing Jeongwoo trying hard to be happy whenever the three of them

hangout with each other. Yes, how kind of Jeongwoo to be able to act like a good friend even though he was heartbroken and all the disappointment only can be seen by Jihoon.

"Jeongwoo, do you remember Yongue? Your friend from middle school?" asked his mother, when they were resting at home.

"Yes mom. I remember him. Why did you suddenly ask?" asked Jeongwoo, confused when his old friend had been mentioned.

"Owh, nothing. We met him at the airport when we returned last monday. He said he is studying abroad and just came back for holiday. He sent his regards to you." explained his mother.

"Owh really? It must be nice to meet him again. He is such a nice guy." said Jeongwoo, smiling at himself remembering the old memories with the said boy. But, suddenly something popped up in his mind.

"Mom, what do you think if I continue my study in another country as well?" asked Jeongwoo for his mother's opinion

"Eh? Do you want to? Before this you said you don't want to be far from your family." asked his mother in surprise.

"That's when I was still in middle school. But now I think I can handle myself." said Jeongwoo.

"Which country do you want to go to?"

"Where does Yongue study, mom?"

"If I'm not mistaken he was in Melbourne. Do you want to go there? It's not a bad idea since your father's business had a headquarters there. If you study there, maybe we can come for a visit whenever your father has to go for a business trip." suggest his mother.

"Really? Then, can you help me to arrange it, mom?" Jeongwoo started to feel excited.

"Arrange for what?" asked Jihoon, who just returned from college.

"Your brother wants to study abroad." explained their mother.

"Hah? Where to?" Jihoon seems shocked.

"Melbourne." replied Jeongwoo with a deep gaze.

"Jeongwoo, why is it so sudden? Is it because..." Jihoon can't continue his sentence since their mother is there. But he can see that Jeongwoo nodded slowly. Another heavy sigh relieved by Jihoon. "So, when are you planning to go?"

"As soon as possible."


"What with this sudden surprise? Is there any good news to share?" asked Junghwan when they had gathered to have dinner.

"I want to ask the same question." Said Doyoung agreed with Junghwan when they were suddenly being called to have dinner together.

"Why? Can't we meet up even though there is nothing important?" said Jeongwoo while smiling at them.

"No, just because it is in the middle of the week. Normally we all hangout on weekends." said Yedam.

"Yah..why are you all making a fuss? We just ask all of you to come to eat. We didn't even ask to pay. Tonight, let's just eat whatever you like. I will pay..erm...I'll share it with Jeongwoo." Said Jihoon and Jeongwoo just chuckle looking at his brother.

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