Chapter 4: Memory

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Haruto woke up a bit late that morning. He can't believe that he was in a deep slumber although he wasn't in his room because normally he can't even sleep if staying in the place that he's not used to.

He quickly jumps from the bed and heads to the bathroom to wash his face. Later, he directly searches for Jihoon downstairs. Once he reaches the living room, he has been greeted by Hyunsuk.

"Hi, good morning, Ruto! Did you sleep well?" Asked Hyunsuk with a smile.

"Yes, hyung. Sorry I woke up late." Haruto directly landed on the couch.

"It's okay Ruto, you must be tired because yesterday." Jihoon suddenly appeared from the kitchen. "Let's have breakfast. I only know how to make an omelet. Hope you won't mind" he added.

"Ruto, we'll be going this afternoon. We'll be back around 6 pm maybe. If you want to stay here, I don't mind." said Jihoon. He and Hyunsuk are involved in charity activities which had been conducted by their college. That is why they decided to donate all the used clothes and buy some necessities to bring in that program.

"It's okay, hyung.Better I return home. But I want to ask your permission. There is one book I want to borrow from Jeongwoo's room. Can I bring it with me?" asked Haruto.

"Of course, help yourself," said Jihoon, without asking what type of book that Haruto needed.


Haruto sat on the bench at his balcony while holding Jeongwoo's diary. He planned to continue reading it since he was curious about the whole story that he never knew was there.

26 March 2018

We met again today. We played games at his home for the first time. Know what? He sucks at games..hahaha..but he is still cute when he lose.I'll teach him one day.

But Kim Junkyu.... What is it actually between them?

Haruto tries to recall what actually happened on that day, but other than they played games,he really doesn't have an idea what else happened.

1 April 2018

Junkyu hyung said Haruto's birthday is coming. We went to buy his present together. I think they must be really close because Junkyu hyung really knows him well.

Why did I feel jealous about it?

"You tell me why?." muttered Haruto. A little smile appeared on his lips.

3 April 2018

Ruto invites us for his birthday party. Of course we will come.

But why is Junkyu hyung more excited than Ruto?

"He is always excited about everything, Woo. Now, you must have known about it, right?" mumbled Haruto.

5 April 2018

Today is his birthday. We just came back from that party.

But why didn't I feel happy about it.

I've had trouble choosing what to wear to his party since this morning. Never did I care how I looked before this. Just because of him, I want to show the perfect side of me.

But what for? He never had his eyes on me...and why should he? when there is a beautiful person already there for him. There is no reason for him to ruin his beautiful eyes by laying it onto someone ugly like me. Who am I to compare myself with Kim Junkyu?

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