Chapter 11: Regrets

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Haruto decided to jog around his residential area. It's been a while since he did that because he is always busy with his studies. He also stopped reading Jeongwoo's diary for a while to focus more on his upcoming exam. Besides, He felt betrayal from what he read before. He can't stop fuming in anger when he knows that Jeongwoo had lied about his girlfriend. He thought he understood Jeongwoo the most but never had in mind that there were so many things that Jeongwoo hid from him. He suddenly stopped when he reached in front of Jeongwoo's house when he saw Jeongwoo's parents were there.

"Morning uncle, auntie. It's been a long time since we saw each other." greet Haruto with a smile.

"Owh..Haruto! How are you,son?" greet Mrs. Park back and quickly give him a hug.

"Look here, you've grown up as a fine guy. Really handsome." said Mr. Park and exchanged a hug with him too.

"No, you are as handsome as always, uncle." replied Haruto with a smile.

Haruto helped them carry all the things that they brought into the house.

"Eh..Haruto, how come you were here?" asked Jihoon, who was just walking downstairs.

"He helped with the things. It would be nice when there is an extra son when the one that you have does not function well."quipped Mrs Park with a smirk.

"Mom.. I just finished taking a shower. I said I will help, right?" whining Jihoon while hugging his mother.

"When will you change? You are taking a shower like forever." said Mrs. Park and a soft pinch landed on Jihoon's waist. Jihoon quickly ran towards Haruto.

"Ruto, have you had breakfast? Let's have breakfast together." asked Jihoon.

"Right Ruto. Let's have breakfast together. We haven't seen each other for so long." replied Mr. Park.

" it okay?" asked Haruto with hesitation.

"Of course, dear. You are not a stranger." said Mrs. Park and quickly prepared breakfast.

Jihoon hurriedly helped his mother in the kitchen while Haruto just sit at the living room with Mr. Park.

"How is your study, Ruto? Everything okay?" asked Mr. Park with a smile.

"I guess everything is under control," said Haruto with a shy smile.

"Jeongwoo keeps whining about his studies. That boy is such a baby.Can't believe he's gonna graduate soon." Mr. Park laughed. Haruto just smiled. He could imagine what Jeongwoo looked like when he whinned. That makes him miss that person again.

"Did you still contact each other? Jeongwoo must have told you that he will be back next summer. He will..."

"Dad! The breakfast is ready." Call Jihoon in a hurry, cutting out the conversations which Mr. Park had with Haruto. Jihoon quickly ran towards his father and whispered something in his ear. Mr. Park looked surprised but nodded to show some understanding.

"So, Ruto, let's have breakfast together." Mr. Park directly changed the topic.

Haruto felt a bit anxious. He really wanted to know the rest of the sentence but couldn't voice it out. Jihoon caresses his back and pulls him towards the dining table.

"Let's go Ruto!" Jihoon said excitedly.

The breakfast went smoothly with them chatting with each other in a harmonious surrounding. That makes Haruto reminisce about the past where they were together. Jeongwoo's parents have really treated him like their own family since the beginning. Even though they were always flying back and forth to another country, when they were at home they always spent time like a normal family. That makes him respect them more. They are really lovable people.

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