Chapter 12: Mine

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Haruto POV

Haruto had his morning routine by jogging around the residential area when he saw many people gathered in front of Mr. Park's house.The whole family was there to invite the guest. Seems like they were arrived from somewhere when he saw the luggage that they hold. From afar he saw Mrs. Park hugging a girl and there was also a guy who had been hugged by Mr. Park. "Are they their relatives?" thought Haruto alone. Besides, there was Jihoon too, looking so happy with Hyunsuk in his arms. His heart suddenly started beating fast when he could clearly hear that guy's voice when he got closer. He is not familiar with that voice but the way he speaks, he could only think about one person. The guy with a long trench coat suddenly turned around and Haruto could only gulp in silence when their eyes met. "It's him!" Haruto couldn't think clearly, he only nodded his head before turning his back and running away. He wasn't ready to meet that guy. Not in that state where he was drench with his sweat. "It's really him, right? His eyes, I'm sure it's really him. So, he is back. He looks different. But, who is the girl with him? Maybe that was the girl in the photo that Jihoon showed before.But why did he bring her to meet his parents? Don't tell me he's gonna get married to that girl. Is that the big surprise that Jihoon used to mention before?" Haruto felt a bit restless. "What I'm expected, it's been years since he left. He may have changed. Arrrghhh..why did I run away? I should greet him normally. What will he think about me? Wait..maybe he won't recognise me after all." mumble Haruto in regrets.

Jeongwoo POV

His heart raced his heartbeat when their eyes met with each other. He didn't expect that he could see Haruto that early. He just knew by the first glance when he saw that person. Jihoon always sends him his photo. So, he is very sure that the person he saw earlier is Haruto. But he is quite disappointed when Haruto just runs away like that before he could open his mouth to greet him.

Jeongwoo enters his room, the place which contains so many memories in it. The arrangement is still the same that brings nostalgia. His eyes directly landed on the diary that he left on the table before. He carefully took the diary and landed himself on the bed. He has a quick look at the diary that he holds. The photo of his pretended girlfriend fell from it and he looked at it closely. He just smiled when he saw that photo. 'How could Jihoon do this to me? Why didn't he tell me earlier about this photo?" Jeongwoo carefully caresses the photo "Cute!" a smile on his lips became wider. Jeongwoo continued flipping the page until the end. Then, he noticed something was written with a different colored pen. He frowned with curiosity. He searched back the page and not later he suddenly jumped in surprise when he read the sentence and the name written on it. Without waiting any longer, he runs to find Jihoon, who is sitting in the living hall with Hyunsuk.

"Hyung, has anyone entered my room?" he asked Jihoon.

"I don't know, no one has entered your room since you left except the housekeeper." replied Jihoon. "Why?Have you lost something?"

"Ahh...I remember, there was someone who had slept in your room once. Hoonie, do you remember when we needed to do the packing for volunteer projects?" asked Hyunsuk towards Jihoon.

"Ahhh...owh..yes, Haruto came over to help and it was dragged to the late night. So, I asked him to stay back and use your room. What's wrong?" asked Jihoon once again.

"So, it's really him. Ah..Nothing hyung, just curious." said Jeongwoo and returned to his room.

"Did he read it all? Ah..What will he think about me? But, what with the things that he wrote in here? Is it true? Or he just wants to tease me after knowing about my feelings. It will be awkward when we meet again." mumbled Jeongwoo alone.

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