~Chapter 9

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Mitsuki POV

We found a place to eat after regrouping with the others. While everyone was chatting up a storm and eating their cares away. I was watching the window, someone in a coat, standing next to a pole on the busy street. Many people passed as they leaned against the wall, not making any attempt to move. They seemed to be observing us from a far, specifically us, maybe it was because we're from another village. I couldn't pinpoint the reason, all I know was that they were watching us.

It was almost like they were analyzing us but what was their purpose. What could be their motive, I thought as I narrowed my eyes at the strange figure. "Hey Mitsuki, are you alright" I heard Boruto ask me, I nodded with a smile. "Oh yes, I'm fine, it's just-" I began, glancing at the window again, just to see that the strange figure was gone. Vanished out of thin air within a second, so they're a shinobi, I assume. "-it's nothing to worry about" I responded quickly after, my face stone cold for a moment as I glanced at the window once more.

Worried that my sun's life was potentially in danger. I hummed as I kept to myself, while keeping a close watchful eye out for any threats. Just because we are at peace through out all the nations, doesn't mean everyone agrees with it. Evil will always lurk inside the darkest of corners, awaiting to strike. Once we finished, Denki convinced the group that it would be fun to check out the stores in the Sand village. So we began walking around town and when I say we, I mean everyone but Denki.

Who was piggyback riding on Iwabee's back once more. Which to my surprise, Iwabee had little complaints about the issue. So as we walked, I saw that strange figure again but this time. They were in front of us, walking towards us, before bumping into Boruto. "Hey, watch where you're going" Boruto scoffed, "sorry, my bad" the male voice came, as he bowed his head and apologized. Before turning to continue down the road behind us, my eyes narrowed at the sketchy movement.

As we got a little farther, "Boruto, do you still have your wallet on you" I questioned. "Yeah, just give a sec-" Boruto checked the pockets of his jacket, only to pull nothing out. "What the...I could've swore I put it my pocket before leaving that restaurant" Boruto rambled in disbelief when he felt his empty pockets. I hummed, "then I do believe that guy just pickpocket you just now, hmm, so they're just another lowlife thief huh" I hummed in amusement. As I looked back at that guy who was walking away calmly. I do believe he's done this stunt before, I thought to myself as I turned around.

"Well, I do believe it's time to retrieve your stuff Boruto" I said as Boruto turned around pissed. "HEY, Come Back Here And Give My Stuff Back YOU JERK" Boruto yelled at the guy. He turned to glance at us before running off. "Great, now you set him off" Shikadai groaned, "not if I have anything to say about it.." Boruto exclaimed before running off after that guy. Which I quickly followed Boruto in his pursuit of that thief.

Shikadai POV

"Damn it, this is such a drag...okay, EVERYONE, you guy look for our escorts..I'll go after Boruto and Mitsuki" I ordered. Everyone nodded, "you can count on us, Shikadai" Sarada reassured with her fists against her chest. I nodded as I dashed after the two knuckleheads, once I managed to catch up to the two using a shortcut. We continued to follow the runaway thief, who was surprisingly fast on his feet for just a regular thief. As we turned a corner, some guys in the alleyway jumped us. I sighed, "this is so bothersome, gosh, what a drag" I muttered as I rolled my eyes, getting ready for battle before smiling.

Mitsuki tied up two guys with his long extended arms. Before knocking the two guys together, making them hit their heads, putting them right to sleep. While Boruto took down one of the big guys, using his shadow clones as a distraction to get behind him. While I used shadow possession jutsu to hold three guy in front of me still. While Boruto and Mitsuki used that opportunity to knock the rest of them out. I looked around at the unconscious people now, "that's the last of them" Boruto muttered.

I nodded in agreement, "seems like it" I commented, looking up at Boruto. My eyes widen as a figure behind him tackled Boruto to the ground. A knife in his hand, ready to stab Boruto in the chest as Boruto struggled against him. But before any of us could do anything, like a last minute hero. Someone kicked the guy in the face, sending him flying into some wooden crates. I was shocked, I didn't even see them coming, I looked up to see that it was the same guy we were chasing earlier.

The guy pulled Boruto up to his feet, "uhh, thanks" Boruto thanked the stranger, not looking up at his savior as he dusted himself off. "Are you okay" the mysterious guy asked as he put his hand on Boruto's shoulder. He seemed to be looking for any injuries on Boruto's face or body. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for that" Boruto thanked the man once again before finally getting all the dust off of himself. The guy stepped back after that, pulling something out of his pocket before Boruto finally looked up at the man. Boruto's eyes widened as I eyed the man's movements, "it's you" Boruto gasped as he saw the thief.

The man chuckled as he pulled out a familiar wallet. Tossing it to Boruto, Boruto caught it with a raised eyebrow, clearly showing his suspicion. Boruto opened the wallet seeing all of his money was still there but Boruto made this weird look. I raised an eyebrow before looking at the stranger in front of us. "I'm sorry about earlier but I have to go, see ya later" the strange man exclaimed before disappearing into one of the alleyways.

Boruto POV

I looked down at the wallet in my hands. It was my wallet and my money was indeed still inside of it. But what made me freeze was the extra money that wasn't there before and small note that was slid inside. "What's the matter, Boruto" Mitsuki asked as he walked up to my side. I didn't answer as I pulled out the piece of paper from my wallet. Stuffing my wallet into the pocket of my jacket before slowly opening the piece of paper.

I gulped as I began reading the note, my eyes widen as I looked around for that guy. Him, being long gone and no where in sight, "what's wrong Boruto, what does it say" Shikadai questioned me. I sighed as I looked at the note in my hands again, my heart was racing, just like the first time.


Here, buy something nice for yourself, I hope to see you soon little brother. If fate allows it, that is, then it won't be long before we cross paths again.

Sincerely, your older brother


I took a deep breath as I read those words over and over again. What have I gotten myself into, I thought as the stranger was long gone. He was so close but now out of reach, how I could I let him slip away from me that easily. "I need to find him, he's the only one that could have all the answers I need" I exclaimed as I shoved the note into my pocket. He has all the answers I need, please, tell me the truth about my father.

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