~Chapter 24

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Naruto POV

Sasuke went back to help in the investigation of finding Mitsuki's my whereabouts. His Rinnegan will be a big help in this case, especially in finding Urashiki's location. Whether or not he's holding Mitsuki hostage is still a mystery to us. Afterall, a guy like him doesn't seem like the merciful type, Mitsuki is only a child but guys like him don't care about things like that. I never should've involved the kids, now they'll be targeted because of me. I sat there, resting my forehead on my thumbs, leg bouncing.

I don't know what to do, I'm the Hokage, I need to do something. There must be something I can do to help, "you're shaking..." A voice in the room muttered. Catching me off guard as I looked up, "you should be sleeping" I stated. A chuckle, "how could I, when you're bouncing your leg like that" the boy commented. I smiled slightly, "yeah, sorry about that, I didn't mean to wake you" I apologized. "Nah, it's okay, Lord Seventh" Shikadai reassured, I hummed in acknowledgment.

"Are you feeling better" I asked, "yeah....I'm okay, they got me an IV drip" Shikadai stated, glancing down at his arm. There seemed to be something on his mind but I wasn't sure what. "Shikadai, I hate to do this to you when you're like this but can I tell you something personal" I asked. Shikadai shrugged, "not like I have anything to do anyway" Shikadai stated. Although, it was clear Shikadai would prefer not to talk about personal information or talk in general. He's a little to much like his father, "you're Boruto's friend so I wanted to get your opinion on things" I said.

With this, Shikadai sat up a bit with some mild discomfort from the movement. Showing me I got his full attention, "as you know, Boruto and I....have a..complicated relationship, I just..I don't know how to..." I rambled on. But it seemed that Shikadai got the point, "I admit, Boruto can be a handful but I know he cares about you and I believe you should talk to him" Shikadai stated in a low almost dark tone. His words made my forehead drip with sweat, jeez, he really is just like his father. I perked up as he continued to speak, "not only that, although he may not show it, I can tell he really cares about what you think of him" Shikadai muttered.

He then gave me this eerie look as his face was a bit, indifferent, it's kinda hard to explain it. I stared for a moment, not sure what to think of it before just sighing. Staring absentmindedly at my thumbs, "he could care less about what I think" I murmured. I thought back to that day when Boruto shouted at me after the Chunin Exams. I took away his headband in shame and I publicly humiliated him. Even though, at that moment, he was in the wrong for using that Ninja Tool as it was completely against the rules.

I didn't completely disagree with him, that would've never happened if I payed more attention to him. If I hadn't pressured him to succeed, pinning him against Shikadai. He was so pressured to win just to get my acknowledgement. If I just spent a little more time with him, he would've never used that Ninja tool. He would've never had a reason too, he probably wouldn't even care about losing. All he wanted was for me to just glimpse in his direction, whether it's for better or worse, he's a lot like me when I was younger.

I believed we were making progress but after today. He's gonna want nothing to do with me, not if he finds out about the divorce. It would be even worse if he finds out the real reason, "he'll understand...you just have to let him" Shikadai muttered. I didn't expect to hear that, I looked at the kid, who laid in the hospital bed. I couldn't help but stare for a moment before I cracked into a smile and chuckled lightly. I stared at my hands intertwined together, "it seems like everyone knows Boruto better than me these days" I stated.

"You should talk to him, I can't tell you what to do but I know that he needs you....whatever it is that you're not telling him, you'll regret it if he doesn't hear your side" Shikadai stated firmly, although he said what he said. I could tell there was still something on his mind, something he wanted to say but chose not too. Even though, I could tell there was an aching question on his mind, I chose not to pry. The looks he gave were telling enough, without the whole story, who could blame them for looking at me like that. Even so, it doesn't hurt any less but despite the backlash, I know it's better this way. If they knew everything, Sasuke would have it so much worse but I just can't.

Whether it's the truth or not, I chose to let the past go as it only breeds more anger and hatred. What they say is true, whether I forgave Sasuke or not, somethings can't be forgotten no matter how much time passes. So even if it kills me or even if you wish to say it, I won't allow you to take this weight off my shoulders. Because whether you believe it or not, we shoulder the blame together. In the end, we were both at fault for all the things we did behind close doors. He has already blamed himself enough, afterall he took fifteen years to make up for it.

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