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Life sucks. This is what Tommy has declared. He sits atop a tower high in the sky and looks down at the world below. If he jumped, no one would care. But that's exactly what Dream wants.

The wind blows through his hair and his stomach feels sick as he looks down. He can barely see the water. He decides to jump for it. If he hits the warer,he'll run away from everything. Maybe Tubbo will find him. But either way, it's better for everyone if he's gone. If he hits the ground... we'll maybe he'll see Wilbur again.

He braces himself and jumps. His heart in his throat, too scared to scream. This could be it. Strike 3, his final death. Tears form as he realizes that there's no way he could reach the water in time at this speed. So, this it? Freedom is out of his grasp. He is scared but also at peace. Dying on his own teems, for once. Maybe his happiness was never ment to be.

He hits the edge of the water just barely and the sudden cold brings him to his senses. He pulls himself to the surface, coughing and sputtering, and drags himself onto the shore.

From there, he scatters anything he can part with around the tower. No one will know that he's gone away for a while anyway. Finally, in an item frame, he leaves his most prized possession. A compass. His compass to his Tubbo. Everyone knows he couldn't go anywhere without it. Or so they think.

Tommy leaves with a wooden sword and some cooked mutton. And just like that, he walks away. He spares one glace at the multiple towers from multiple attempts before. And for once he feels happy to leave something behind. It's bittersweet of course. But that haply feeling is nothing compared to what is to come.

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