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Tommy spends a lot of time with scar, who spends a lot of time grinding. Like, HOURS. Just doing stuff like collecting sand! After a few days, he's practically a functional human being. But then scar has to 'log off' for a doctor's appointment. Tommy has no clue what that means but in the blink of an eye his friend disappears. He's a bit sad but copes with it well and goes about his business. He raids all the chests he can for anything he wants. There's so much, and just not enough space in his pockets to hold it all. While in the midnight alley, though, he hears a voice.

"And I do want to finish this before the moon gets closer so i think thats what we'll be doing today so long as theres no distractions. I think only doc is on today so it should be smooth sailing for actual progress." It says. His voice sounds rather proper and Tommy feels drawn to it. As he rounds a bend and into a building, he sees a man in a red turtle neck leaning over a chest to sort through it. This place... is a mess. It's horrible! Tommy trips over a barrel and faceplants. He yelps in pain and surprise, causing the man at the chest to jump and scream in response. What is with these people????? They all scream so much!

"AAAGHHHHHH! Oh. Wait, Tommy?" Asks the man. Tommy looks up in confusion. This guy... his oddly terrifying face looks strangely familiar. Something that starts with a G.......

"Tommy, why are you here?" The man begins to chuckle. Tommy vaguely remembers hating this man because he wanted to be fried someone or something..? It's all so vague.

"Grain." He confidently says.

"Who is this Grain person, hmm? Seriously, its Grian. GREEE UNNN." Grian enunciates each syllable painfully slowly. Tommy nods, not caring in the slightest.

"So, you're part of hermitcraft? Or is this a plot development they all just didn't tell me?" Grian asked. Tommy shrugged and grian sighed. Then an awkward silence pursued.

"Tommy, is that my copper I see in your pocket?" Grian finally asks, and Tommy freezes.

"Listen, I'm all for glitching materials into inventories. But I do need that for my build." He says kindly and Tommy sheepishly hands it over.

Soon after that, Tommy finds himself just following Grian. Where does he know this man from?

"So, uh, Grian. What are your hobbies?" Tommy asks. Gruan looks over his shoulder and replies.

"Currently? I build a lot. I like to fly. Im a professional war and resistance starter but I an considering retirement. I break stuff, usually on accident. I like to travel. Then theres all my minecraft stuff. Ummmmm thats probably about it." Grian says thoughtfully. Tommy stops.

Wait a second...

"Are you me from an alternate universe?" Tommy demands and grian bursts out laughing.

"What-?" He laughs.

"We both live in holes in a big hill, build big stuff, wear red shirts, resust tyrants like that *dolphin noises* Dream, and are clearly superior flyers." Tommy insists. Grian stops.

"You're talking about the Dream smp, right? I guess its a similar storyline..." Grian says, eyebrows raised in consideration. Tommy nods. Grian looks at Tommy and thinks for a bit.

"So is the plot here just you getting therapy from functioning minecrafters?" He asks. Tommy has no idea wgat practically any of those words mean so he just nods.

"Ohhhh ok. Uhhhh dont steal stuff. Lesson learned." Grian awkwardly pats Tommy's floofy hair.

Then they build him a tiny starter house and Tommy learns building tips, like not to build a house solely of copper blocks. Or netherite. Or solely of anything, really.

Tommy Gets Therapy Where stories live. Discover now