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Tommy and the currently unknown man scream at eachother in fear for a good minute before finally stops.

"Who the *dolphin noises* are you?" Tommy asks, then grabs his throat. Dolphin noises? Why can't he just say *dolphin noises*? WHAT? It's as if he entered theland of PG content or something.

"Well my good fellow, I was just about to ask you the same question." Says the man, who is dressed kinda steampunky and has a crimson tophat on. Tommy refuses to answer but then the stranger pulls out a glowing bow with a mishivious (or however you spell that) grin and Tommy tries not to panic. He was once shot to death with a bow. He's on his last life. He holds up his hands and submits.

"Im Tommy. Please, I'll leave. Just dont hurt me." He begs. The stranger puts the bow away and laughs.

"Dont leave, I love new friends! My name is Scar!" He says joyfully. Is he physically capable of frowning? I doubt it.

Scar then tours Tommy around the empty village which is called boatem. From there he showed him the giant base on the mountain, a place called the midnight alley, the moon shrine, the observatory, the giant chair which actually is a mountain, the huge factory, an upside-down boat, and finally they ended up back at the wagon train called the swaggon.

"So, that took forever but let me tell you, it is amazing to meet someone new! It's a bit late in the season though... I gotta start on the rocket soon but you can come with us to eason 9 if you want." He generously offers. Tommy is absolutely confused.

"What even is this place? Im just so *dolphin noises* confused right now." He sighs. Scar puts his hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"My glod friend grian has a bed store, lets go get you one and you can get some rest, ok? This is probably just a lot. Make sure you're taking care of yourself, eating food, drinking water, the whole 9 yards. Ok?" Scar leads Tommy towards the midnight alley to absolutely legally aquire a bed. Tommy is touched. Eat, drink water, rest... no one has told him to do that before. No one has cared that much. Not even Tubbo. It's weird to even think that someone could be this nice. How does he even explain that feeling to Scar? Well, he can't so instead he says this;

"You're an American, aren't you." Tommy rather bluntly states. Scar seems taken aback a bit.

"Uhh, yeah. I am. And you're Bri'ish, aren't you?" He returns. Tommy stops. He... is? Right? But the only country he's ever really lived in was l'manburg. He's so lost....

"We say British, we can pronounce our T's, you prick." Tommy huffs, Scar looks instantly hurt and in turn Tommy feels bad.

"I- I'm sorry." Tommy says, abashed. Instantly Scar brightens up.

"Well thats ok. If you prefer your countrymen for company then I absolutely cant wait for you to meet my fellow hermits of the great boatem, mumbo jumbo himself and Grian." Scar beams. Tommy smiles.

Scar is just so friendly. Tommy keeps looking for an alternative motive of any kind but just can't find one. He's just... genuinely kind.

Tommy picks out a classic red door that they absolutely legally get from Grisns bed shop together. As they leave the cave,scar startshopping up and down and then wings unfurl from his back and he takes to the sky with a loud whistling sound. Tommy jumps back and covers his ears, it sounds like explosions. He has an immediate reaction to explosions, not one thing that comes to mind is a pleasant memory.

"Are you coming?" Scar asks, looking down from above as he circles the tiny child.

"But I can't fly." Tommy protests.

"You dont have elytra? I can fix that!" Scar takes off and crashes into his base, nearly dying, until he lands at his door and disappears inside. Just as the sun was setting, he returns with wings and rockets. He explains how to attach the wings and Tommy does.

"Quick! Take a nap before BDubs does!" Scar urges. Tommy has no idea what that means but he does.

In seconds, the sun is rising again.

"So, how do I fly?" Tommy finally asks. Scar smiles.

"I'm probably not the best man for this job, but its time for some flying lessons!"

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