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One day, Tommy was alone. Completely alone. Everyone was gone to do "another series," whatever that means. So he explores the village he now lives in. And gets lost almost immediately while inside a giant factory. It's even bigger than the prison back home! And WAY better built. He flinched at even the thought of thinking that thought. Sam and Sream would kill him if they heard he was criticizing their build. But the people here....

He robbed Grian but wasn't punished when caught, just lightly reprimanded. He followed Scar around for days and wasn't even called annoying! He's only been a bother to these people, but they're so kind.

Tommy makes up his mind. He loves these people. They're amazing. And when they leave on a spaceship (apparently?), He's leaving too.

Suddenly, the ground shakes. Bd Tommy floats into the air. He yelps and flails before falling back down.

Is it the factory??

Then a man in yellow and black with a top hat and giant bow tie appears put of thin air. WAS IT HIM?

"Tommy? I heard you were hanging around here... but isn't it like, 2am there?" He asks. This time is Tommy's turn to scream.

"Dude, it's just me. Impulse." The man tries to calm him down.

"WHAT the *Dolphin noises* are GOING ON?" Tommy cries out. Impulses' eyes are very wide.

"How much caffeine are you ON? Are you stuck in here or something? Is this lore? Do we even have actual planned lore?" Impulse is asking questions, and Tommy is confused, so he answers with one word.

"Yes." He says.

"Im assuming that's to all three. Come on, this is the way out." Impulse chuckles and takes off into the air with Tommy close behind him.  Eventually, they reach the exit.

"Let's take you to the shopping district, I have some diamonds in my ender chest. And we can hang out." Impulse offers.

Tommy agrees and continues to have the best day of his life. He found a shop that sells music discs! He got cat, mellohi, pigstep, and blocks. Impulse bought him a stack of popped chorus fruit to eat, and they talked. Tommy was having a blast. The sun went down, and Impulse suggested going back because the shopping district isn't exactly scar proof. Sure enough, monsters began to appear all over. So they took off into the dark.

Tommy began to panic a bit because it's so dark. He was having a hard time making out obstacles. He knows death isn't permanent. But it's still terrific to him.

He clips a roof, overcorrects, and crashes. He wakes up screaming. Its... day? Impulse lands in the plaza with a shulkerbox full of Tommy's stuff.

"Dont worry, I grabbed it all for ya." He says. Then he checks a watch he apparently has.

"It's like, 4am for you. And, it's late for me too. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Get some sleep. But if you dont, pearl will probably be on to keep you company in an hour or so." Impulse waves and disappears while Tommy nibbles a popped chorus fruit. Pearl? That sounds like a waman.

He is the wife haver after all. So he's very much looking forward to meeting her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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