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As Tommy walked, he gathered materials. A log turned to a crafting bench, and a few sheep onto his lunch and a bed. Eventually night fell and he made a hole in the side of a hill, blocker it off, and went to sleep. In the morning, he felt much better, really. He mined from his hole and found some iron and made some armor to give him some basic protection as well as some better tools. But he was still too close to danger so he continued on.

He went for about a week, growing stronger and healthier as he went. At first it was surely just the exercise and good food but eventually it became more than that. His mental health had improved exponentially with every day and even then it didn't explain why he felt so healthy and strong.

Halfway through the 8th day, he saw a beacon light. A beacon?? Had he gone the wrong way? Was he back in civilization??? Dream would kill him!

He was scared but pressed forward. He followed a path that appeared  abd hoped for the best. Maybe he could use the location of the beacon to find his bearings.

But when he arrived, he was just confused. The building in front of him.... it was HUGE! It almost can't be called a mere building. It looked like .  A giant wagon? Wagon shed? Building? Mansion, manor wagon? He approached the wheels of it, and they're larger than he is. Whoever build this would have to be a literal building genius in order to accomplish such a feat. He found no way in and so he built up using dirt. Once to the door, he looked past the wagon and found the strangest town he ever had seen.

Ahead of him, in a chain, are several more wagon building things. And past that? Mountains that are steep and beautiful. To his right, a biome that shouldn't exist! A train with many cars is in front of him,and past that is a giant cave that seems to have light in it. He can see a giant armchair made of stone with waterfalls, a huge factory, what appears to be a temple in the beautiful mountains, and so much more. And at its center, a stack of boats on poles and random blocks floating over a huge hole in the ground. The more he looks, the more he sees, and he loves all of it. Eventually, he pooks away and heads inside the wagon. Almost immediately he finds all kinda of food and stuffs his face. Mutton and stuff is great but you can't survive solely off of it. Then a figure pops into existence and Tommy jumps so high he hits his head on the roof.

"Helllloooo there everyone and welcome back to another episode, of hermits and crafting." Says the figure quite happily. Then he turns around, and screams.

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