Looks Like He Needs Some Water!

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Miyo sits with his elbows on his knees and his hands covering half of his face, his gaze fixed on Hitoshi and Midoriya in the arena. Shoji and Tokoyami are by his side, and Dark Shadow and Ao have been playing together since Miyo sat down.

As Midoriya makes his way over to Hitoshi, the purple-haired boy continues to speak, his hands never leaving his pockets. Halfway across the arena, Midoriya's eye glazes over in a grey fog, visible to the entire stadium thanks to the cameras closing in on his face.

Miyo holds his breath as Midoriya turns around and walks back the way he came. Midoriya's foot is just above the line. Hitoshi's brows are pinched together, his face is pained, and a few drops of sweat are running down the side of his face.

Miyo sits upright in his seat as a gust of wind shoots up from the arena, startling everyone in the crowd. Shoji has transformed all of his extra limbs into eyes, obviously in an attempt to get a better look at the two below them. Midoriya returns to Hitoshi, who takes a startled step back and begins shouting. Miyo is so stressed that he can't hear what's being said.

Midoriya charges at Hitoshi, indifferent to the words being yelled at him. Hitoshi manages to avoid most of the blows aimed at him, but several vicious-looking punches land and knock him backwards, closing the gap between him and the boundary line behind him.

Hitoshi's movements become more desperate as he continues to avoid Midoriya's rampant punches, but all is hopeless when the green haired student manages to grab Hitoshi's right arm and practically throw the other out of bounds like a sack of potato's and onto the surrounding area, which is thankfully covered in grass so the taller teen isn't badly injured from his rough landing.

Midoriya quickly goes to help the fallen teen once Midnight announces him the winner, but Hitoshi smacks his hand away and slinks off the field and into the tunnel he entered through. Miyo stands to try and find the purple teen, but the moment Todoroki enters the field with a barely noticeable scowl on his face, he stops and sits back down.

What happened? For fuck's sake, it hasn't even been ten minutes since he last saw him. Did his father talk to him during the first match?

Glancing around the stadium, Miyo spots Endevour re-entering the Pro Hero section of the stands. The man has a rather threatening expression on his face, and his moustache and beard made of fire is flaring brightly at the edges.

(If the teen had been looking at Ao, he would have noticed the slight narrowing of the ghosts' eyes.)

Miyo looks back to Todoroki, the boy now facing Sero, who is stretching his arms. Tape is shot out and wrapped around Todoroki's arms and abdomen. Sero swings around, and Todoroki is ripped off the ground. Sero prepares to lengthen his tape but Todoroki freezes the tape, trapping him and it snaps. Sero visibly gulps and plants his feet on the ground. Present Mic continues his unnecessarily enthusiastic commentary on the fight as Todoroki shatters the frozen tape around him.

Then the air in the stadium goes cold and an iceberg taller than the stands appears, leaving the sounds of chattering teeth behind it. Midnight shakily announces Todoroki as the winner. Todoroki's voice is audible from where he stands, beginning to melt Sero free of his ice prison.

"Sorry about that. I was... upset. "

It takes a whole ten minutes, with the help of a few heroes too, to melt the whole mountain of ice. A medical bot takes a shivering, blue skinned Sero to Recovery Girl's temporary infirmary.

People in the crowd talk about how powerful Todoroki is and how lucky he must be to have the No. 2 hero as his father.

Said boy enters the class area and sits far away from his classmates, his fists curled up in his lap. Ao floats over to the cold boy in hopes of making him smile but eventually gives up after dodging several half-hearted swats, the ghost sadly flops down on Miyo's head as he leaves to prepare for his first fight.

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