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3:45 am

I couldn't sleep to save my life. On other nights I would be sleeping like a baby, but tonight is different I guess.

I couldn't get Beyoncé off my mind. The way she looks at me just makes me want to make the best kind of love to her.

I guess Onika couldn't sleep either because she walked into my room.

"Can we talk now?" Onika asked me. I forgot I told her we would talk later.

"Yea sure" she sat on my bed and sighed.

"My first question is why did you do all that stuff at Robyn's house? Knowing you knew you hand feelings for Beyoncé" I told her. She should know better.

"You know I'm not the best at expressing my feelings. So when I saw you and Beyoncé acting like a couple and then making out I just wanted something to ease the pain. Twice. I didn't want to do it but at the same time I did hoping Beyoncé give me attention but obviously that didn't work" Onika said. I understand where she was coming from.

Im not great at expressing my feelings either. So I can understand why she did that. She was still wrong for doing it though.

"Do you think Beyoncé's up? I wanna apologize" Onika told me. Beyoncé was awake because she texted me like fifteen minutes ago but I knew she was uncomfortable around Onika still.

I didn't want to lie but I also want the tension to be as thin as possible.

"I don't think she is. Maybe you can talk to her in the morning or another day when she's not that mad" I said. Onika nodded then hugged me.

"Thanks for listening. I appreciate it lo"

"Any time, you know I got your back"

"Still best friends?"

"Of course. That shit won't ever change"

We hugged again and then she left out of my room.

Five minutes later I get a text from Beyoncé.


Pretty❤️: attachment 1 image

I opened the message and it was a picture of her. Not her but her chest.

She had a red light on in her room so it made it even sexier. On top of that she had freckles on her chest. That shit was so sexy

Pretty❤️: you like?



:do I like?


:I love.

:you know imma gay bitch why you send me that? Now I'm horny💔

Pretty❤️: I can help

Pretty❤️: wait

Pretty❤️: I can't help I'm so inexperienced

:let me help

:but that's if you want me to ofc

Pretty❤️: attachment 1 movie

:FaceTime me right now.

Right after that text I got a call from Beyoncé.

"Hi Lauren" she said with that cute ass smile.

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