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"What's the matter, darling? Don't you want to be mine for the next couple of months?" Yeonjun gives him a dashing smile even though it does nothing to help in this situation.

Yeonjun knows he can be tactless: insensitive and bad at handling these kinds of situations. He's been told countless times before but it's like he doesn't want to learn otherwise, finding it fun to poke and tease playfully at those concerned.

Though you'd never expect this behaviour from him if you're a lady. He'll treat you like a princess if it means a date that could lead to something more. He'll kiss the floor you walk on and lay petals at your feet, playing the perfect man until you give yourself to him.

But because of his current occupation, he can no longer flirt with those beautiful women he can remember. For now, he relies on only his right hand to offer him some form of relief when his sexual drive increases.

His fake boyfriend sits opposite him, remaining silent and staring at the ground. His hot chocolate which was once visibly warm given the steam radiating off it, is now ice cold and miserably untouched. Beomgyu's so lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Yeonjun's comment.

Although they were asked to stay after the confrontation in the garden, both Yeonjun and Beomgyu were ready to leave and therefore Yeonjun decided to act rather drunk to give them a reason to leave. He swayed slightly to sell the act and slurred his words every so often until Beomgyu chimed up about how he thought it was best they get going.

'He doesn't drink. The wine must've got to him easily.' Beomgyu had said, probably to keep up a good image despite the fact he's acting drunk, saying he doesn't drink it gave off the impression he was practical rather than just some party animal.

After sleeping in a hotel, the two spent most of the day in the room with Beomgyu hiding away in the bedroom either on the phone or pulling the roots of his hair.

Then they later ended up at the Blue Hour Café once again, with Yeonjun ordering himself a coffee and Beomgyu a hot chocolate since he hadn't responded himself when asked.

"Beomgyu?" Yeonjun raises an eyebrow, tilting his head as his eyes search over Beomgyu's soft features. "If you don't say anything I'm going to start thinking I'm having a visual hallucination."

It takes Yeonjun waving his hand in Beomgyu's face for the brown-haired boy to snap back into reality, eyes widening when they meet Yeonjun's.

"You agree, don't you?

"Agree with what?"

"Extending the contract."

"Y-yeah..." Beomgyu's voice is quiet, struggling to find it under all the stress consuming his every process.

"Why are you so quiet then?"

"I think you'll have to stay with me for quite some time..."

"I signed a contract." Yeonjun laughs, taking a sip of his coffee. "I think I knew from there that this wouldn't be a one-time thing."

Beomgyu rolls his lips inward, keeping his eyes glued outside the café where a man and a lady are arguing over something unintelligible.

"I mean, I think we'll have to live together, Yeonjun."

Yeonjun almost crushes his plastic cup as his grip tightens on it and his eyes widen. His expression changes so quickly you wouldn't have believed he was smiling only seconds ago.

"Why would I have to live with you?" A hint of a scoff in Yeonjun's voice tells Beomgyu he agrees this idea is ridiculous. The furrow in his brows and angry pout aid in that too.

"They'll think it's serious and with time they'll back off. My parents aren't ones to back off easily and so by doing this, they're more likely to believe we're madly in love and all that shit."

"I'm pretty sure people can be madly in love and all that shit without living together," Yeonjun speaks through a smirk, eyes travelling around the room and then back to meet Beomgyu's own. "Just admit you don't want to spend a second apart from me." He puts his elbows on the table and crosses his arms together, leaning forward with a smirk.

"Ugh, no! I'd never want that! My family knows what I'm like as a person... especially Taehyun. If I was in a committed relationship, they're bound to know some of the things I'd do and being close to my partner is one of them."

"Fine. Be in denial, but eventually, I'll stop accepting your excuses and you'll have to admit the truth."

"That is the truth! I'm not in love with you!"

Yeonjun smirks, pushing off the table and letting his back hit the chair behind him. "Sure, you're not..."

Beomgyu replies with a glare and ends it with an eye roll. Jeez, this boy is stupid.

"Anyway, if we are doing this, when am I moving in?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, if you can be ready by that time, I'll pick you up. Also, think of this positively, now your food and other needs are all paid for."

"Then sure, I'll be ready for tomorrow if it means all that stuff can be paid for faster." Yeonjun chuckles, grabbing the same cup he almost broke and taking a sip of his cold coffee. He regrets it instantly by the look on his face.

"Oh, I need to tell you about my friends, it's a basic necessity when it comes to fake relationships. Unless you're the fake boyfriend being introduced specifically to the friends..." he trails off towards the end, remembering about a past fake relationship he'd been through where his fake boyfriend hired him after his friends didn't believe he had a partner.

"You have friends?" Beomgyu quirks a brow.

Yeonjun smirks. "Many, darling. Many."

"Then I need to tell you about mine too, I guess."

"I've already met Hyuka..." Yeonjun makes it look like he's paying little attention when he says this, teasing Beomgyu in the same way he'd teased him earlier.

Beomgyu's reaction is a lot better than Yeonjun had allowed Beomgyu to receive. He immediately gasps in offence and scoffs at him, eyes flicking from Yeonjun to the barista and back, looking Yeonjun up and down to end it off.

"I'm friends with more people than just Hueningkai!"

"Huh, then I'll have to befriend more entitled rich people, right?" Yeonjun combs his fingers through his pink hair, tiny sections between each finger. He huffs, blowing his mouth full of air before he lets it go.

Then he looks back at Beomgyu and smirks. "You're drooling again, darling." Yeonjun teases, taking a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbing at Beomgyu's lips who swats him away.

"Get over yourself! I am not." Yeonjun hums in disbelief.

"Why don't you like rich people?" Beomgyu frowns, changing the conversation and wiping the side of his mouth discreetly in case he really was drooling before.

"They're some of the most obnoxious and shallow people I know. Don't get me wrong, not everyone rich is like that but the majority that have ever acknowledged me have been. And they've never acknowledged me for a reason other than to look down on me." Yeonjun sulks, finger trailing across the edge of his cup.

Beomgyu flinches slightly. Does Yeonjun see him like that too? "You think rich people are shallow?"

"They are shallow."

"I don't think you should generalise that. Not all rich people are like that. You've been unfortunate with the people you've met, that's all. Don't make mistakes like judging people before you know them."

Yeonjun hums, not really taking note of what Beomgyu is saying since he doesn't agree. Beomgyu would be one to stick up for them considering he is rich too.

"Sure, brat. Whatever you say." Yeonjun's smile meets a frown.

"Tsk, if I'm behind honest... you're too arrogant, Yeonjun."

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now