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Eunchae gives them exactly an hour, pleading for Yeonjun to come back before rush hour starts because that she can't handle alone. Yeonjun nods with a slight chuckle in answer and furrows his brows in confusion when she hands him two wrapped up cookies.

"In case you both get hungry." She smiles, flickering her gaze to the blushing boy Yeonjun just made his boyfriend—Or more Beomgyu made Yeonjun his boyfriend, but who's taking note?

Yeonjun thanks her and allows Beomgyu to drag him gently by the arm towards the café door, pausing to look back and say, "I'll make sure he's back on time!"

Yeonjun rolls his eyes and smiles as Beomgyu presses his palm against the café door which chimes on opening, cold breeze hitting them as the winter air whips through their hair.

"You're so domestic already," Yeonjun teases, nudging Beomgyu in the side.

Beomgyu frowns at him, brows lowered. His hair, that's grown to brush his shoulders, hits his face as he turns to Yeonjun. "Yeah, 'cause now I don't have to hold back and treat you only like a fake-boyfriend. Let me be." He pouts and Yeonjun finds him adorable, like he always is in his eyes.

"I knew you couldn't resist me." If he keeps grinning like this, absolutely stupid and in love, his cheeks are going to end up hurting.

Beomgyu snorts. "I stole the heart of playboy, Choi Yeonjun, so if anyone should be boasting here, it's me."

Yeonjun snorts at that and doesn't protest.

Beomgyu could steal his heart no matter the circumstances, he could be given the most impossible scenarios to work with and would barely break a sweat. Yeonjun would give him more than his heart if he asked for it; he'd give him his entirety and more. Anything—everything, Beomgyu could ask for.

.•° ✿ °•.

The couples' trail Beomgyu mentioned about taking them on has a few others walking towards them or away from them, arms also linked with their partner and some resting their heads on the taller of the two's shoulder.

It's well-known as the 'Cherry Tree Walkway' because of the trees and their flowers of soft pink adorning each side of the trail. Branches stretch above their heads, turning their sky pink and pretty, with the icy silver of the sun slipping through the gaps. The pathway is cobblestone, and loose pebbles find their way under their feet, kicking up loose and skipping like a rock on water.

Yeonjun gapes as the walk and Beomgyu watches him happily, eyes no longer hiding the love that once pained his chest.

"I- -I can't put into words how pretty it is." He turns to Beomgyu and the younger places his head on Yeonjun's shoulder, smiling growing.

He wishes he could marry Beomgyu in a place like this, where his cheeks blush pink like the petals that pour down from the branches above and coat the ground into the most awing walkway.

Seeing Beomgyu walk down it, or walking to him...

It's early to think about, only today they made it official, but since part of their fake-relationship agreement was that he'd propose to Beomgyu for the fun of it, he doesn't freak out thinking about it now. And they'd already had almost four months of experience as a couple from fake-dating too.

They walk for around ten more minutes, enjoying each others company and the comforting silence of being together. How much they've missed this—being together stress free and without a negative thought to accompany them.

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now