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They're half-way down the street and even though they're holding hands, Yeonjun has to put a skip in his steps to keep up with Beomgyu's fast pace.

"I could've handled it, you know?" Yeonjun mentions. He does a little jog to bring himself to Beomgyu's side and neither of them stop walking.

"What? I know you can."

"Then why did we leave?"

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should," Beomgyu doesn't look at him, too busy trying to find a street sign which will tell them where they're heading in case they get lost.

"Was that the guy Wooyoung mentioned before?"

Now Beomgyu stops and really looks at Yeonjun, providing Yeonjun with the answer he already knew. Yes, it is.

His mouth falls open and then closes. He sighs before answering. "Yes... but he's never been anything but a friend." A part of him tells him he needs to include that. Yeonjun needs to know they weren't anything more.

"Did you ever want to be?"

Again, he hesitates. It's a hard question but he can honestly say: "No."

It's honest too. Yes, there was a time where he kind of had feelings for him that weren't easy to describe but he never wanted a relationship. He was too busy for relationships and he didn't fancy a distraction.

He's said before, he prefers flings. That way he doesn't get hurt and takes time away from business trying to mend a broken head that could've been prevented. "I had a minor thing for him and people blew it out of proportion. I never wanted a relationship. I didn't have time for one."

It wasn't as minor as Beomgyu makes out for it to be but that's not important, it's in the past.

"Right..." Yeonjun replies slowly, not quite believing him. He saw the way they hit it off naturally, the blush on his face that he'd only seen himself cause previously. "Do you regret it?"

He searches Beomgyu's face with eyes blown up with curiosity and a little something Beomgyu doesn't recognise. It's not his place to ask these questions, and he's worried Beomgyu will start getting defensive because he's overstepping boundaries, but he can't help it.

Does he regret it? He doesn't think so.

He thought seeing Hyunjin again would hurt but it was the same as seeing an old friend, he wasn't really affected the way he thought he'd be when it came down to actually conversing. Sure, it hurt when he first saw him at the table but things only went up from there.

"I don't..." He makes certain to look Yeonjun dead in the eyes when he replies, then shakes his head.

Yeonjun nods and looks down the street, his hands on his hip. "Hey, I know this isn't the best time to bring it up, but if you don't want to go back home yet then my mom asked a few days ago when I was going to visit and I haven't replied yet..."

He's not worried about Beomgyu meeting his mom. Unlike Beomgyu, he doesn't have to introduce him as his boyfriend to his parents so he doesn't have that stress. But he misses her so he hopes he'll say yes.

Beomgyu looks down at his arm and pulls back his sleeve. It's still rather early and he doesn't fancy going home and wasting the rest of the day away watching some series so he agrees, nodding his head.

Yeonjun grins at him and whips out his phone. "I'll give her a message in advance and then call a cab."

.•° ✿ °•.

"Mom, we're here." He sees his mother almost as soon as he opens the door, she's in the living room sweeping at the floor with a broom. Attempting to freshen the place up before he son arrived.

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now