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Beomgyu walks in the kitchen and stops in his tracks. "Hey..." He stares at Yeonjun with confusion. Taken off-guard by the elder who is sitting on the kitchen countertop, swaying his feet back and forth lightly.

Without taking the ice pop from out of his mouth, Yeonjun replies back with a casual, "hey," not looking up from his phone.

Beomgyu decides it's best not to question why he's chosen to sit there of all places when there's a perfectly good living room with comfortable couches a literal room away. He squints at him quizzical before he turns back to his own phone and walks towards the fridge, pulling it open.

There's no need for him look up to know where the milk is and he pulls it out mindlessly, bumping his elbow off the fridge door to close it with a gentle slam.

"Do you want tea?" The shorter of the two males asks as he sets the milk on the counter top and checks the kettle has enough water in it. Seeing it does, he flicks the small switch that lights up a deep blue to show its in use. While he waits for the water to boil, Beomgyu spins around hands clutching the countertop.

Yeonjun hums at him, bordering the lines to completely ignoring him with how endorsed he is. Beomgyu wonders what's on his phone that's so interesting that he can't even give a verbal response, eyebrow quirked as he regards the boy.

The younger nasally huffs and surveys the kitchen floor—because that's so interesting—and pouts at the elder. "Normal or..?"

Yeonjun glances up at him with a soft smile and Beomgyu melts. His soft heart that gives in so easily.

"I'll have whatever you're having. Thank you," he adds at the end like he could sense Beomgyu's unvoiced frustration.

Beomgyu pouts further. "Don't thank me... You're making me feel like some kind of waiter." He huffs again and busies himself with collecting their cups from the dish rack and placing them down on the countertop.

"A hot one," Yeonjun's comments with an amused snort.

Beomgyu's catches him smirking through his peripheral vision. The blush that's been all-too-familiar since Beomgyu met Yeonjun heats his cheeks, and now he's glad Yeonjun isn't paying attention to him otherwise he'd be teasing him already.

The click of the kettle saves him as he hurriedly makes their drinks to distract himself from the compliment. He places the tea bags into each of their mugs and proceeds to fill it with water—he knows Yeonjun's ideal tea so well he can see an invisible line that marks the guide he's to stop at before adding milk. Yeonjun likes his milky; Beomgyu thinks it's gross.

Beomgyu tops his off with a little milk, a lot less than he then pours into Yeonjun's, and starts a new conversation, something he's been thinking about for a few days now. "Did you know it was a couples' Holiday today? It's Couples' Movie Day."

"Yeah..." Yeonjun snorts, his amusement embarrassing Beomgyu because he must've thought something by it.

He did, but now he regrets it. He feels his ears burn up, they must be bright red from the way the heat irritates his skin and he resist the urge to itch it away.

"Two years ago I was working this holiday and my partner–" Yeonjun gives Beomgyu a knowing look and Beomgyu gives a small nod of understanding. "Well, her ex at the time tried to fight me because they'd recently broken up and he'd got drunk and jealous."

Beomgyu's eyes are wide with intrigue, he's not one to be nosy, usually, but he can't imagine Yeonjun in a fight. Yeonjun's too calm and collected.

"What happened?" He holds one of the mugs towards Yeonjun, checking it's definitely the milkier one before Yeonjun takes it from him.

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now