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Beomgyu's a pest. Yeonjun's come to terms with it now. In fact, the bug spray currently in his hand is tempting to use on him. He'd deserve it: He's done nothing but tease Yeonjun all day.

At first, Yeonjun thought it was unintentional. That those little ministrations or acts or subtle play on words was purely innocent, but Yeonjun once said that Beomgyu isn't as innocent as he seems. And he's proving him right.

"Get it! Get it." Admittedly, Beomgyu's not being seductive right now. Cushion in his hand and running across the couch as he tries to avoid a spider the size of Yeonjun's fingernail, the index finger of his other hand pointing at the little critter.

Yeonjun sighs moodily-luckily for Beomgyu, not scared of spiders-and crouches down, pressing   the nozzle of the pest spray. Yeonjun stands back up once it's hit, and Beomgyu screams as the critter runs in his direction, clutching onto Yeonjun's from behind like he's a human shield.

Yeonjun lazily brushes the hand from his shoulder and finds the latter frowning when he turns to look at him, mumbling, "relax, it's already dying." Yeonjun glances miserably at the now curled up spider and takes the pest spray back to where it is kept in the cabinet under the kitchen sink.

While he's there, he grabs some kitchen roll to collect the dead spider with and returns to the living room where Beomgyu's apologising to the dead spider with his hands clasped together, doing a little prayer for it.

It's a little cute, Yeonjun can't help but find despite being annoyed at Beomgyu for teasing him all day, how bad Beomgyu feels for ordering the spider exile despite hating them.

"Here, I'll take care of it," Yeonjun says with a gentle voice and Beomgyu looks at him with those round eyes from where he's perched on the couch, the position he'd taken when observing the spider. One where he could quickly escape if the thing showed any sign of movement.

Yeonjun strides over and ducks down to collect the insect, grimacing at the feeling between his hand. He almost gags and drops it, but he manages to keep his cool-if anything, so Beomgyu doesn't freak out and clamber on him like he's a freaking climbing frame.

He quickly disposes that before returning to the same area as before. "My hero." Beomgyu holds his arms out as he approaches Yeonjun and lets himself literally fall into his arms. The elder staggers back twice from the force of Beomgyu's weight colliding with him before regaining himself, hands holding onto the younger's forearms.

He's tempted to push him away but he shouldn't really be moody over the fact the younger has an effect on him. He'll have to learn to control himself better instead.

Still he can't help but he a little irritated given the constant swell of a problem that's crept up on him today that he hasn't been able to fix because of endless chores, so he doesn't hug back. Lets the other cling to him alone.

"Come," Beomgyu says and pulls away, taking a hold of Yeonjun's wrist as he leads him to the couch.

Beomgyu sits closest to the arm of the chair with his legs crossed, and Yeonjun grumpily sits next to him. "You've did a better job keeping up with all your tasks than I thought you would," Beomgyu notes, eyes wandering up in thought and pouting as he thinks back onto all the things he's done.

He even changed one of the lightbulbs Beomgyu's been avoiding for ages because he couldn't remember whether he'd left the switch on or off before it broke. It happens to be the one dodgy light that doesn't work like it should too. Luckily, Yeonjun wasn't electrocuted and didn't end up dead or with static hair either.

He'd cleaned every nook and cranny, the parts Beomgyu tends to let slide, but he'd took advantage of the fact Yeonjun owes him it and got him to do it. The place is as clean as it's ever been, you'd think it was newly built, with furniture happen to be in tow.

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now