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By the time he makes it to Yeonjun's parents' house, it's dark out and raining. Dismal.

He rolls to a stop a tad bit past Yeonjun's house then switches off his car engine and drops his hands down.

Is he really doing this? He fears he might be crazy, turning up at his parent's house because he's worried over a key. And it's not like he can tell his parents why he's so worried, he can only ask if they know where he is or who he's with.

Well, he's here, and he's already wasted a bunch of fuel getting here so he might as well go through with his plan now. Otherwise his contribution to the damage of the ozone layer will be without reason.

He huffs out a breath and mindlessly watches the raindrops hitting his windshield before he unclips his seatbelt and opens his car door.

The rain bites into his skin menacingly and he squints against its harsh behaviour and the sharp air. The weather now is a lot more fitting to winter then the previous day had been, both choosing to fit his moods accordingly.

He rolls his lips and blinks against the rain, wishing he'd taken the initiative to bring an umbrella as he looks towards the small, one story house.

No lights are on in the house, the whole street is quiet as a whole. It was like this the first day he visited them and he'd liked how calm it felt at the time.

Now, he despises it and a shiver runs down his spine at the thought it could be foreshadowing something.

He glances around the dark street, specifically as the broken street lamp that leaves only the houses' porch lights to add some light to the
area. Then he slams his car door shut and digs his hands in his pocket to warm them up until he's at the front door, saving them from the cold water that attacks him.

He sniffles, knowing he'll have a cold after all this, and then sets a soft rap of knocks upon the door.

No answer.

He knocks again with slightly more force so that there's no possibility of him going unheard, guilty in case he's waking them up. Elderly people tend to sleep at early times of the night.

When there's no answer, he decides to knock a final time, if no one comes, he'll go home and give up.

He raises his fist to the door once more when the sound of scuffling and a voice from behind halts his actions.

"You won't find no one there, son," he states and Beomgyu swivels around curiously, meeting the eyes of the grey-haired neighbour they'd brought soup to last time he was here.

Beomgyu tilts his head, furrowing his brows which causes creases between them and on his forehead. His eyes wander before he brings them back to the man and straightens his posture so he doesn't look so lost.

The man notices anyway and adds, "you won't find them here because the family left for the hospital earlier today."

Beomgyu pauses, then shakes his head. He throws his thumb over his shoulder and clarifies, "Family... not couple?"

A little impatient, the man scoffs and says, "that's what I said. The family, the couple and their son." The man glances at the house then back at Beomgyu. "They left for the hospital, so if you're here about their eviction then give them time... it hasn't been easy for them lately, have some humanity and give them time." The harsh voice he gives towards Beomgyu drops into something seldom as he reaches the end of his sentence.

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now