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Beomgyu meant it when he said he'll order a burger, keeping it simple with that and some seasoned fries. Yeonjun opted to be a little boujee and orders Kobe beef (he doesn't see the opportunity to do so ever arising again, so he might as well take it while he can).

"You can have some of my beef if you want. Then maybe you'll find your new go-to order," Yeonjun offers with a proud smile, like Beomgyu wasn't the one paying for the whole thing. How generous.

Beomgyu chuckles, shaking his head and taking a sip of his drink that is now lemonade. "I'm okay."

Yeonjun snorts no distaste behind it. "Fine, I'll make it out to be so good you'll regret that," he says, grinning cheekily as he makes eye contact with Beomgyu and brings his clear glass to his lips.

"Sure you will." Beomgyu doesn't believe him. He's a firm believer that burgers are best, especially when they're juicy and have cheese on them. Simple but enjoyable.

The classical music takes over their ears as they fall into silence, weirdly unable to find something to say.

Beomgyu comes up with something first, curiosity striking him. "How do you know Soobin?" They're the polar opposite personality-wise and Beomgyu can't see them having much in common either.

Yeonjun's eyes flick to him, bringing the glass in his hand down to the table and gulping down the last of his champagne that he's drinking a lot slower than Beomgyu had. "I met him a few years ago at a dance competition."

"Soobin dances!" Beomgyu raises his eyebrows in surprise, mouth agape.

Soobin never appeared to be the dancing type, often too lazy to even want to walk anywhere. Beomgyu can't picture him having the energy to move more than one body part at a time.

Yeonjun sputters out a laugh like that's the funniest thing he's heard in a long time. He shakes his head, lips forming an amused, thin smile. "No. He was there to support a friend at the time."

"Then how did you two meet then?" Beomgyu pouts in thought, placing his arms on the table and leaning in to give his full attention to Yeonjun.

"It's really not interesting. He was drooling over me and so I said I'd become his friend so he doesn't  have a hard time forgetting someone as great as me." Yeonjun shrugs as if it's no big deal and casually takes a sip of his drink, mindlessly watching one of the couples a few tables down.

He's brought back by Beomgyu's loud laugh, pretending to wipe his tears. Beomgyu lets out the last of his laugh, lightly slapping Yeonjun's arm that's resting on the table. "No, but seriously... how?"

Yeonjun huffs, pretending to be offended that Beomgyu doesn't believe his story but then he looks off and smiles. "It's quite embarrassing actually." Yeonjun chuckles, picturing the memory in his head. "I was backstage, practising, and I tripped over a wire. Wrecked the performance that was on at the time and because the judges thought I'd done it as a sabotage attempt, I was disqualified."

Beomgyu's mouth forms a circle in shock, eyes widening but he can't help but find the story mildly amusing.

"It happened to be Soobin's friend that I'd sabotaged and he'd come off stage to reprimand me. Soobin stuck up for me saying he saw the whole thing and that it really was an accident." Yeonjun pauses to catch his breath and allow Beomgyu some time to process what he's told him already.

"I asked Soobin why he stuck up for me because no one was around when I was dancing. He said it was because I seemed like I was being sincere and I'd be a psycho to bruise my wrist as badly as I did for a sabotage attempt."

Beomgyu's nose flares and his lips curve into a smile, sounds like the kind Soobin he knows.

"Actually... I ended up going to the hospital when my wrist was swelling with no sign of going down. Soobin took me. Turned out I'd sprained it. I had to get it bandaged up and I probably wouldn't have taken care of it if I was alone; I would've brushed it off."

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now