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When Yeonjun and Beomgyu next leave his apartment a few days later, Beomgyu thought that the craze of people outside of his apartment complex would've died down. They had their pictures, videos, et cetera, what more did they need?

The mass, however, seemed to increase. Over the course of a few days, Beomgyu's dedicated 'fans' now involve themselves in the little fiasco too, waiting outside of the building until late hours of the night.

Except, they aren't here for photos of the 'cute couple' or words of affirmation.

They scream about Yeonjun's selfishness, that he's after Beomgyu's money and saying he's taking away his chance at finding real love by lying to him.

Beomgyu guesses they think it's them he'll experience 'real love' with, but they're blind to their own selfishness. They don't recognise the fact that had their relationship been real, these people that call themselves fans are potentially ruining that relationship by hurting Yeonjun—both mentally and emotionally. If they really cared about Beomgyu, they'd be happy for his relationship instead of screaming hurtful things and trying to get in between them.

No, literally, Beom-Jae must've been aware of the state outside the complex, because he'd brought extra security. And it's lucky he did because a girl takes the first opportunity she has to throw herself towards Yeonjun. One of the guards stopped her before she'd done any real harm but Yeonjun's reflexes had fallen a few seconds short when he'd brought his arm up to protect his face, now sporting a small cut near his eye.

Beomgyu's a few steps in front of Yeonjun but he halted when he saw the flurry of action, catching the girl getting thrown away roughly by one of the guards.

Initially he'd thought it a bit too much but as soon as his eyes land on the small cut Yeonjun bore under his eye, he snorts at the girl that was manhandled and can only think she deserved it.

His big eyes trace back over Yeonjun and he pouts, sticking out his hand as he waits for Yeonjun to catch up to him. One of the guards next to him tries to usher him onwards as the crowd jostles him but he stays in place, waiting until the comforting hand takes his, intertwining their fingers.

"Are you okay?" he asks without hiding his concern, leading the two into a walk again, their shoulders pressed tightly together since the spilt crowd is practically pushing itself into one another.

He eyes the cut on Yeonjun's cheek as he waits for a response, pissed anytime he thinks back to that girl. The cause of it.

"It's a small cut. It's okay," Yeonjun replies with a pursed tone, bringing his fingers to the cut and collecting little beads of drying blood on the pads of his fingers. He stares at it for a second before dropping his hand to his side and rubbing his fingers together so the blood falls away.

"It's not okay, that shouldn't have happened," Beomgyu's voice comes out clipped as he turns his head in the direction of a fan that almost causes one of the guards to stumble, aiming his anger and words at them. "Show some respect." He manages to stop himself from cursing, glaring at someone who sticks a phone in their faces.

"The car isn't far from here, prince, stay calm for me?" Yeonjun asks more than tells and along with it he squeezes Beomgyu's hand reassuringly. It has warmth spreading through his entire body and his cheeks blush red when Yeonjun's eyes meet his.

His anger simmers down enough to reach the car without snapping, and as usual, Yeonjun opens the door for him before heading to his side. He isn't even driving and he's still opening the door for him, there's literal guards here to do that for them.

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now