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"wow, that was so cool! you were so cool!" said seungmin while clapping his hands with a wide smile on his lips. minho turned his head to seungmin and gave him smile, "thanks. do you.. uh.. want to try playing it?" he asked. seungmin shook his head while waving his hands no, "i-i cant play. i dont know how to." he said.

minho got up from his seat and grabbed seungmin's hand then beckoned him to take a sit in front of the drum. he then slightly bend down, "it's fine, you dont have to actually play it. just hit any of these." minho said, giving him the drum sticks. seungmin grabbed it and anxiously looked the items in front of him then back to minho, "b-but what if i draw a hole on it?" he asked with an obvious terrified face.

minho chuckled before ruffling his hair but only to stop on his track when he realized what he did. he cleared his throat, "i-it will be fine. come on try it." said minho as he grabbed both seungmin's hands and guided him. they made random noises, it was really off but it made seungmin smile and that's what matter, is what minho was thinking. mans didnt even realize he was smiling the whole time on the giggly seungmin.

it's been quite some times now they're on they basement. it was probably lunch time already, about time hyunjin will-

"hyung! im hungry!" hyunjin yelled from the ground floor. minho sighed, "that little shit." he whispered. he then took a glance at seungmin who was still fascinated by the guitar, he has taken a liking to the guitar ever since minho played him some songs and he said he wanted to try it.

"do you wanna stay here? i can bring you lunch." said minho, unlocking the door. seungmin shook his head, "it's fine, i'm not hungry. you should probably make your way now, your.. friend sounds like he's crying." he giggled. minhos heart skipped a beat as he felt his ears getting really hot.

"u-uh, yes. then i'll.. see you later." minho said before rushing to the kitchen. hyunjin who was already seated on the dining table while playing with his phone looked at him weirdly, "lmao did you see a ghost? bet it's the cursed doll. he's coming to haunt you." he said and started making ghost noises.

minho gave him a death glare before raising his hand as if he was gonna hit hyunjin which made hyunjin a fast reflex reaction by shielding his head with his arms.

"you could've order from the fast food." minho rolled his eyes. hyunjin clicked his tongue, "nah, im too broke. how about you order it for me?"

"have you tasted a pair of slippers yet?"

the doll | 2minWhere stories live. Discover now