Apart with greed

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A hour passed and I recorded everything with my phone. "Zakusa is backed to the corner, how is he going to get out of this one?" I asked. "Don't underestimate him, Zakusa looks calm but he use to be a street punk. I wonder what's going on in his head." Tomari said. I slowly watched closely before leaning back on my chair. "I never seen Zakusa fight so it might be exiting but kinda boring." I said. I slowly got up before walking away. "Where are you going?" Tomari asked. "I'm going to get coffee, how else do you think I act how I am." "Why does she need coffee, she's only fourteen." Tomari said. "THE WINNER IS ZAKUSA!" The announcer shouted. "I guess it's my turn, that little kid better hold on tightly because I'm taking him to jail." Tomari said. "Aren't you going to check your deck first, you seen his play style haven't you?" Megumi asked. "Don't worry, I'll lock them up before they have a chance to gather their soul." Tomari said. I watched the tv in the lounge closely before spitting out the coffee. "THAT KID IS FIGHTING TOMARI!" I shouted. I quickly ran to out of the door clueless of what was in front of me. "Let's get this over with grandma." "Oh I hope I heard that correctly." Tomari said. "Stand up, vanguard." "I'll start off first to show you who runs things around here. I discard Aurora battle princess, wapper plum, to then ride Aurora battle princess, kyanite blue. I then add galaxy central prison to my hand. Now I call Aurora bottle princess, shirer zenith and then rest her to play my prison, I then add 3 card from my deck into the soul. I end my turn." Tomari said. "It's my turn now. I discard desire devil, hystera, and ride desire devil, gouman. I then attack with gouman, drive check, no trigger." "Damage check, draw trigger." I began watching closely at the damage so far making notes for every card. "It's my turn. I discard security patroller, and I ride Aurora battle princess, risatt pink. Skill, I imprison a card from your hand. I then call Aurora battle princess, cuff spring. Skill, imprison a card from your hand and then you draw a card. I then call Aurora battle princess, shirer zenith. I attack, drive check, critical trigger." Tomari said with a smile. "Damage check, no trigger, my second check, no trigger." "Tomari isn't holding back, neither is Shinobu, why is that?" I asked. "Vanguard is a way to understand most people, but some... let's just say that michiru person and big bro are part of the some." Megumi said. "But Megumi, you known big bro, I mean Danji more than I do, I thought you understood what he did." I said. "That's might be true but he even confuses me till this day, sure he taught me how to play vanguard and made sense but he doesn't make sense when trying to hold a simple conversation." Megumi said. "Tomari is at five damage, look." Yu-yu said. "GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU GOT!" I shouted. "She has her signature card out, she's able to get a triple drive now." Megumi said. "Not so quiet, she needs three or more cards in her prison, she has two, looks like Shinobu stepped up his game." I said. "Wait really? Wait a minute, his souls are gone, he's prevented Tomari to get another drive." Yu-yu said. "What's wrong old lady, can't get what you want." Shinobu said. "DON'T LET HIM GET TO YOUR HEAD TOMARI!" Megumi shouted. "It smells like confusion, it's like shinobu knows what tomato's deck is like, it smells like guilt." I said. "Quilt? I don't smell anything." Megumi said. "It's the reason why Tomari is struggling, shinobu is constantly gathering souls quickly wasting cards from his hand, if Tomari can imprison those cards then she can't gain another drive, and something also smells fishy. Zakusa, are those cooked fish?" I asked. "Yes, you're right, but that doesn't explain how the boy does know what Tomari is going to play next, it's like he's able to read her mind." Zakusa said. Tomari began to struggle before ending her turn. "Looks like you don't have any of my cards left when I pay the cost, so I'll be taking back my devils, and I'll be taking the trophy while I'm at it." Shinobu said. "There's no way, there's gotta be some kind of way, I hope big bro finds out what's going on before this fight ends." Megumi said. "I now attack with a twin drive, first check, critical trigger, second check, it's another critical trigger." We all watched in shock at the two critical triggers that were drowned. "Damage check, no trigger, my second check, no trigger, final check, no trigger." "Tomari lost, but she's one of the greatest fighters I know." I said. "I'm going down to see Tomari, urara, lulu let's go, she sorta gets mad or pouty sometimes." Megumi said. I began following behind before we stopped near a small establishment. "What is this place?" I asked. "They sell ramen here, I hope you three have a appetite because the food is on me." Megumi said. I quickly took out my wallet and then looked at the restaurant. I don't know wether to pay for it myself or to get new packs." I said. "Don't worry, let's go." Tomari said. We all went inside and sat down near a window that had a good view of the street. "Megumi, I've been meaning to ask what do you do outside of wonder hill?" I asked. "What I usually do, I wake up, I get breakfast, school on the weekdays, and then I go to wonder hill." Megumi said. "Well what about you tomari, I know you're a cop but what do you do when you're off duty?" I asked. "I go to wonder hill, if I'm the only one there then I just go home." Tomari said. "What about you urara?" I asked. "I practice playing the flute, and when I'm at school I try focusing on staying in tune." Urara said. I slowly turned to the bowl of ramen in fear. "If you don't eat then it's going to get cold." Megumi said. "Tomari can have my bowl, she's the one that suffered enough from today." I said. "NO WAY, I HAD TO FIGHT ZAKUSA!" Megumi shouted. "At least you didn't have to fight Haruka, I've also been meaning to ask, Haruka is from team daybreak, who's their leader?" "It's big bros sister Mirei, one time team daybreak also burnt down and or taken other teams banners." Megumi said. "That's right, before tohya was second in line for being the leader he was working for daybreak, he struggled to beat Danji in a cardfight but always failed." "That's right, the day Danji appointed Tohya as leader is when he went with his sister, and when Tohya burnt our banner." Megumi said. A hiur passed and I just sat there with a empty bowl in front of me. "We should get going, I heard that yu-yu won his fight against danji." Tomari said. "Danji, I wonder how easy it is to cardfight with him?" I asked myself. We all went back to the hotel and I collapsed onto one of the chairs. "Looking at all these foods make me wanna barf." I said. "Not here, I knew it was a bad idea to get every one of us three bowls." Megumi said in a panic. "Where we're you two? You missed the other two games." Yu-yu said. "We went out to get ramen, who knew eating ramen for the first time while having two other bowls were a bad idea." I said. "Do you know who's going to be fighting who?" I asked. "I'm fighting urara, Zakusa is fight Masanori, and you're fighting Mirei, I'll send you the picture I will later, but ima head to bed, who knew a fight like that could wear me out." Yu-yu said. "Well do you have some time to stay awake, I've been meaning to head to the card shop but everyone else it busy." I said. "Why not go ask Mirei, you two will get along just as well as you and Megumi did. Mirei should be in the fighters lounge with Danji and Zakusa." Yu-yu said. "Okay then, I'll text you if I find any cards you can use." I said with a thumbs up. I began walking towards the lounge before opening the door silently. "Hay Danji, it's been awhile hasn't it." I said. "Oh, I didn't expect you to be here, what's up?" Danji asked. "I'm heading to the card shop and yu-yu is sleeping, I would ask Megumi but she's also probably busy. Yu-yu told me to ask Mirei." I said. "You're a friend of yu-yu? Any friend of yu-yu or Danji is a friend of mine. I'll gladly accept your offer." Mirei said. "I should go to, how about you Zakusa?" "I don't see why not," Zakusa said. "LET'S GO!" Me and Mirei shouted in excitement. We walked into the shop searching around everywhere nook and cranny of the store. "Hay Zakusa, you think it's safe to by this case?" I asked. "Why not, this case does have a lot of good cards, it also holds a really rare card." Zakusa said. "Danji, what are you looking at?" Mirei asked. "It's a case filled with dragon empire cards, it could be helpful." Danji said. I quickly payed and sat down outside waiting. "Those three are taking forever, even Zakusa takes time on buying new cards." I said to myself. I door opened revealing Zakusa holding a bag filled with packs. "Where's Danji and Mirei?" I asked. "Danji is helping his Mirei pick out some packs, I'm afraid we might stay here awhile like the caterpillars that crystallize itself to become soemthing new." "I see what you mean, but over time the shine from the shell will be soon overwhelmed." I said. Six minutes passed and we began walking back to the hotel. "Hay Danji, explain how you're so easy to beat?" I asked. "WHATS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!" "She does have a point, she did best you in her first ever cardfight." "Did you really, was he a challenge?" Mirei asked. "He was rough with his attacks, he even went out of the way to not guard, and yet I haded to use my favorite card." I said. "I WAS GOING EASY!" Danji shouted. "Wanna settle this right now big bro, I'm not going to lose." I said.

Card introductions: huh, it's my turn already? Today we're going to be talking about Aurora battle princess, seraph snow, this card allows me to imprison two rear-guards, if I have three or more cards imprisoned she gains an extra drive, which means double the chances on a critical.

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