A school without vanguard?

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The weekend ended on a Monday morning by a phone call. "Hello, who is it?" I tiredly asked. "It's you're first day of school okay, you better get ready because I'm outside your house." Megumi said. "It's six in the morning, just ten more.., did you say you're right outside my house?" "JUST HURRY!" Megumi shouted. "Man, this is why I hate private school students." I said after hanging up. I quickly got ready before grabbing my deck out of a drawer. I quickly jumped out the window before being greeted by the front door being flung open. "Dad, your work hours are at seven, and what's with the suitcase?" "I'll be gone until Sunday, have fun at school." He said. I waited sitting next to Megumi going through messages. "Pleas don't get into fights at all, at least when the tournament is over." Megumi said. "I can't promise anything, once a street punk from Mexico, always a street punk from Mexico." I said. "Okay we're here, if I were you I wouldn't speak of the things you do outside of school." Megumi said. We went inside before I stopped in place. "Smells like a lot people here are happy, sweet like honey." I said before turning to Megumi. "Talking about smell, thanks to you last time I struggled to get the smell of vinegar out of my nose, it really stings after the first day." I said. "Sorry about that, we couldn't having the smell of the food in one area ruin the suprise, honestly I didn't expect you to tag along as well before I got the text from Tohya." Megumi said. "It's fine, I'm just looking forward to fighting any of the three." I said. "Look, it's glorymei." Someone said. "Glorymei, what kind of name is that." I said. "Is this a friend of yours, hope they aren't like your last friends." A girl said. "If you're saying that I'm a guy then I'll punch you right here and now." I said. "Pleas don't, this is a friend of mine, her name is lulu and she's not a boy." Megumi said. "I'm actually trying to regrow my hair, so back off next time." "What did I just say." Megumi said. "Wow, you're like a mom." "NO I AM NOT!" Megumi shouted. "You kind of are, I can see it now." I said. "You should get to your class, if you don't then you'll be late on your first day." Megumi said. "Fine, if I get into a fight then I have two reasons." I said before walking off. The third period finally came and I was forced to sit next to a suspicious person. "Hey you must be the new person here, I seen your matches in the past, that came in clutch when you persona ride that card." They said. "Megumi said to not talk about what I do outside of school with other people." I said. "It was wicked how you can attack using that many cost blast." They said. "Leave me alone, I don't want to start a fight with you." I said. "I heard the announcer you were a fighter but I didn't believe it, I hope you'll win your next match." "I said leave me alone." I said. "Oh really, you're to leave you alone even though you won't turn my way, moms right, you're to hard on others." They said. I quickly turned around in shock of what I just heard. "Hay there cousin, it's been awhile hasn't it." They said. "Dawn, but how did you get here, I thought you lived back in Mexico." I said. "I use to until a month ago, my mom told me to go to this fun little tournament thing for the first few rounds, yours was amazing." Dawn said. "That's cool I guess but don't try to get in my way, this is the second school I've been in since being in kaga." I said. The second to last period came before I finally sat down. "What could that email be about, it's not like vanguard is that important to a lot of people that cares about the game right?" I asked myself. "You're missing the point, vanguard is a way to bring us together, how else did you think I was able to see you agin." Dawn said. "Pleas don't sneak up on me." "C'mon, let's have a cardfight already, I know you're dying to have one in this bland school." Dawn said. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I quickly shouted. "Then why don't you go back to your old ways and make me." "That's enough, I heard part of your conversation." Someone said. "Woah, isn't that Megumi okura." Dawn said. "Lulu, you know how we settle things in blackout, I'm allowing this once okay." Megumi said. I quickly searched my pocket and took out my deck. "Dawn tashikarie, I challenge you to a one on one cardfight." "Finally, if you cry then don't blame me." Dawn said. We made our way to the roof too where lies a unused table. "Now stand up, vanguard." "I'll go first, I discard miscreant bearing, and ride inroad shooter. It's your go Dawn." I said. "I discard black sage charon, and ride blaster javelin. I now call black sage Charon and attack, drive check, no trigger." Dawn said. "Now it's my damage check, a heal trigger, all power goes to inroad shooter." I said. "Man, it's been so long since we played a game with high stakes on the line, why don't we have one right now." "Be quiet dawn, I stand and draw, I discard looting petal stomalla, and ride ascendancy assault. Skill of inroad shooter, supierors call him from my soul. Boost and attack, drive check, a front trigger." "Damage check, no trigger." Dawn said. "I stand and draw, I discard blaster dark to then ride blaster dark, I then use a cost blast of one and retire a unit to then retire inroad shooter. I then attack, twin drive, first check, critical trigger, second check is a heal trigger, I heal one damage." Dawn said. "My damage check, first check, no trigger, my second check, no trigger." I silently said. "Thoes sleeves, I never seen thoes sleeves in my life." Megumi said. "I stand and draw, I discard a stand trigger and then ride, flagship dragon, flagburg dragon." "Oh no, not flagburg dragon, I'll take out that card like every other card I faced." Dawn said with a massive grin. "I call knights of friendship Cyrus. Skill is a soul blast of two and call a normal unit from the top of my deck. I superior call shadowcloak, I then attack with flagburg, twin drive, first check, no trigger, second check, no trigger." "I thought of the high stakes now, if I win then you let me win when you face me in the finals of the finals so I can be in the winners tournament." Dawn said. "Winners tournament?" Megumi asked. "It's no time to explain, I discard knight of war damage fosado, and ride phantom blaster dragon. Skill, I superior call blaster dark from my souls and attack with phantom blaster dragon, twin drive, first check, critical, second check, it's another critical." Dawn said. I hesitated to check the damage before I flipped the first card. "Damage check, a draw trigger, second check, a heal trigger, third check, no trigger, final check, no trigger. Dawn you win." I said. "Finally, now I get to be in the winners tournament with three others, this is going to be fun, but which participants should I choose?" Dawn ask themselves. "Dawn, answer my question, what is the winners tournament." I said. "You'll find out sooner or later." Dawn said.

Card introductions: hay it's me Dawn, today we're going to talk about my card that I use to defeat my useless cousin lulu, phantom blaster dragon is a amazing vanguard unit that card call blaster dark from its soul, man I can't wait to be in the winners tournament, I'm going to pummel them to the ground like nails.

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