Chakara breaking dragon

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The days went by until the next day came, a Monday morning of thanks giving. "Hay yu-yu, have you gotten to figure out how to use that card yet?" I asked. "Not really, it's impossible to rack up five damage in the fourth turn." Yu-yu said. "We'll it's not that impossible, I seen you pull through worse." I said. "But five damage is way to much, what if you're at four damage and they check a critical trigger." "Pleas don't tell me you hate the idea of this card." I said. "Now pleas you two, lulu thought really hard of the cards she created for you two." "You're just trying to get on my good side because Mexico if my home turf aren't you Danji." I said. "Not really, I just don't get why you created the forever break skill." Danji said. "Speaking of Mexico I'm heading to my old house to see if my basement held something from the past." I said. "Wait, you can't forget your deck case, if you do then you'll be disqualified." Yu-yu said. "Thanks, and if a package shows them don't open it without me, I ordered it." I said before walking off. "I'm heading out to, I wanna see if I can find one of those sugar skulls." Yu-yu said. "Okay, I'll help Mirei with her deck then." Danji said. "Many minutes passed before loud cheering was heard from every direction in the town. "What was that?" Yu-yu asked. "There's a couple of players near the center fountain. If you're lucky enough maybe you can challenge them." A shop owner said. "Players? Do you mean a cardfight?" "Cardfight? Yeah I guess, they should be in some tournament of what sorts." The owner said. "Well I'll like to buy this sugar skull pleas." Yu-yu said. "Okay kid, if you're thinking of challenging them then I gotta say those cards they use are pretty good." The owner said. "Okay then, thank you sir." Yu-yu said before walking off. Yu-yu slowly made his way towards the fountain. "WHO'S NEXT!" Someone shouted. "Isn't he from the bus? Why is he here anyways?" Yu-yu said. "Oh I see, the one and only yu-yu kondo has come to my home town to play, I wonder why oh why does he have within that bag." They said. "You're mike aren't you, why did you attack Wonder hill?" "I go where Dawn goes, why do you ask, do you go where your friends go or do they think you're a tag along." Mike said. "Easy there Mikey, this here is a customer, he just bought a sugar skull not so long ago." The shop owner said. "And what makes you think he should come back, he's only here for the tournament, if it's to rub it in my face then I'm not interested." Mike said. "I'm not trying to rub it in, I was just in the area." Yu-yu said. "Then let's prove it, I challenge you to a cardfight, if I win I get to take your spot, if you win then you get to keep your spot in the tournament." Mike said. "I'll take you on one way or another." "Okay then, I want you to meet me here at nine, you blackout freaks do fight in the night don't you." Mike said. The water from the fountain quickly turned off as a leafs fell from one off the trees. "This isn't just "your" home turf, and who are you exactly talking to when you say blackout freaks. I hope you're not talking about our leader exactly, he's not ready when I'm working on his deck half finished." I said. "You're here, and what's with the face paint?" "Sugar skull like, I kept this hidden from my mom. So why is he here?" I asked. "No way, two blackout freaks at the same time, oh this will be fun." Mike said. "You can take it on if you want, yu-yu. I requested six cards for you, they suit perfectly with that new card." I said. "Thank you, but the deck isn't finished." "That's why we're finishing it one way or another." I said. "We can't finish that until nine, we don't have the time." Yu-yu said. "You're forgetting who you're talking to, I thought of every card skill of the forever break, I'll finish your deck okay." I said. "Forever break huh, they keep cameras around everywhere recording the fights, luckily to be fare the makers of the tournament created cards like yours, I got mine ever since you brought the full power of forever break." "Yu-yu, what were the terms for this fight?" I asked. "If he won then I'll have to leave the team and he has to join." Yu-yu said. We walked away before Mike could say another word making sure not to look back. "Okay yu-yu, we have a few hours until nine, half of your deck is finished and the other half is just jumbled up cards, Danji, can you search up the new forever break skill?" "Sure thing, did something come up?" Danji asked. "We ran into one of my cousins teammates, now since the tournament directors seen it on camera they've created cards with the same skill." "You mean forever break, but how we're they able to do that?" Mirei asked. "I'm not really sure the details exactly but we need to finish this deck fast, yu-yu has a fight at nine." "No way, against who?" Danji asked. "Mike, he focuses on that blaster blade card. Yu-yu, there should be some left over cards I don't use in my suit case, do you mind getting those while I work on this?" Once a few hours passed I began sweating until placing one last card on the table, and gathering every card and shuffled. "Yu-yu, I finished your deck." "So this is the new nirvana. I can't wait to try this out." Yu-yu said with joy. Once walking towards the fountain alone with his deck in hand. "Looks like you showed, let's see what you can really do around here, even against these new cards. Are they against you? Or are you control the small army in your hands." Mike said before throwing a sugar skull. "I'm here just like you asked  me to, one on one like you asked." Yu-yu said while looking at the cracked sugar skull. "Hope you're ready, because this is the beating of your life." "Now stand up, vanguard." "I'll go first, sugar skull guitar is discarded to ride sugar skull guitar. And if I discard a sugar skull and ride one I get to call the sugar skull guitar from my drop zone." Mike said with a grin. If he discards either a grade three next turn then it'll be over for me, right? Yu-yu thought to himself. "And if I control more than none I can attack first turn, so here come sugar skull. And it's a no trigger." "That's also a no trigger." Yu-yu placed down the card into the damage zone and drew a card. "Here we go. I ride sunrise rino by discarding trickstar. Skill, if I discard Trickstar I get to call two tricky tokens. Now if two tricky tokens are placed I can add Trickstar back into my hands." Yu-yu grabbed Trickstar from the drop zone and placed it back into his hand. "Skill of tricky token, it turns all overdress units in my hand to grade one. And it turns all tricky tokens into trickstars." "Wait a minute, you're already activating your forever break? What an idiot." Mike began to laugh until he slammed his cards on the table, and then looked down at the table to see a new card. "While you were distracted I played a new card, virina arcs. Skill, using a cost blast I can draw two cards and it gains +5000 power." Mike began to cough until grabbing a card from his hand. "Good thing I have a card I like to call sugar skull rush. If you play three cards in one turn I get to also play three tokens of my own. I raise the dead into the skulls of sweet sugar, sugar sweet token, arise. If arise is called I can play a card from a different nation onto it as well. Blaster blade, come fourth." Mike slammed a card into the table, and taking a small sugar skull out of his pocket and ate it. "I boost with Trickstar and attack with arcs." "I intercept with arise." "I attack with rino, drive check, a critical trigger." "Damage check, no trigger, second check, a heal trigger." Mike said with jealousy. "Would of been nice to have two damage, but this will do for this turn. I discard sugar golem skull and ride sugar skull player, and if a sugar skull is used for this ride my grade three is called to the back row as a boost. If sugar golem skull is called from my drop zone he can add two arise tokens to my soul. Now for arise tokens skill. When it's in my soul by card skill it gives all units one critical, so since it's two my units gain two critical. That's not all yu-yu kondo, I call smoking skull revenant. Skill, I reveal a grade three from my ride deck and place it into my drop zone to then add seven arise tokens." Mike began to grab seven cards from his pockets and placed them under sugar skull player. "This is my forever break, blood rush sugar skull." Mike began to slowly reach into his pocket, reaching out another small sugar skull to eat, and crushed it loudly. "That's two down, and more criticals to my units. Hope you're ready because this is my forever break. I attack with my vanguard, drive check, no trigger." "Now for my damage check, no trigger." "I would like to see this, because if my vanguard attacks it activates a second skill, I can remove all arise tokens to give my vanguard nine critical and another attack. Now with a boost from sugar golem skull I attack." Yu-yu grabbed a card from his hand and placed it on the table. "I perfect guard." "You're lucky kondo, while my vanguard has this skill on him my other rear guards can't attack." Mike said with one last laugh. "I stand and draw, I discard Trickstar and ride sunrise reiyu. And now I call two tricky tokens that become Trickstar, and now I add Trickstar back into my hand and it turns all overdress cards in my hand to grade one, and if I have a reiyu as the current vanguard I can ride a grade three from my ride deck this early, but if I can't reveal a grade three from the top of my deck I can't ride it for my next turn." Yu-yu hesitated, slowly lifting up the top card. "A grade three nirvana. I send nirvana to the drop zone and I get to ride, true sunrise chakra forger, sunrise nirvana. It's skill activates, if I have two or more tricky tokens it gains +10000 and five critical. And since reiyu is in my soul it deals four damage." "Four damage, that means... five damage. Which means you don't run your small army." "That's not all. From the flames that are breath within. This is the overdress of victory, vairina talisman." Mike gasped until he reached towards his hand. "I'm one step ahead of you, I play~" "hold it, I play sunrise enforcer, if my vanguard is true sunrise chakra forger, sunrise nirvana. It gains two more critical, and +20000 power, second skill, if you are able to play a order it makes you gain five damage." "What the, fine then, proceed." Mike said, eager to play the card. "Second skill of vairina talisman, you're going to need three guards to guard, and perfect guards won't affect the attack onto your vanguard. I attack with nirvana, twin drive. First check, and for my second check, a new trigger, duel critical. All affects to vairina." Yu-yu placed the new trigger under nirvana and watched as Mike placed down three cards. "I GUARD!." Mike said in hesitation. "THT'S NOT ENOUGH! FINAL SKILL OF TRICKY TOKEN! If I have a chakrabarthi Devine dragon nirvana, I can add it to vairina talisman and play a completely new card. THIS GAME IS JUST GETTING STARTED! VAIRINA NEXT CHAKRABARTHI! It has ten critical, with a total of +60000 power. I attack with next chakrabarthi." Mike began checking card by card, hoping for one helpful trigger. "There no heal triggers. Nor over triggers. Welp...well played kondo, well played. You're one of the second people to pass this test take this card with you and beat this tournament." Mike said.

Card introductions:  oh, hi there. I'm surprised you're here at such a time. These are my new cards vairina talisman, vairina next chakrabarthi, tricky token, and true sunrise chakra forger, sunrise nirvana. I can use a chakrabarthi nirvana and place it under talisman to make vairina next chakrabarthi, and tricky tokens can be used as Trickstar and be called if I discarded him for a ride. Oh wait, Mirei's next? Cant wait to see this.

Cardfight vanguard: forever blackoutWhere stories live. Discover now