Suffer the lost

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Once getting to the hotel the six of us got rooms of three, and then split it between girls and boys, and leaving Danji to have to sleep in the hotels plaza. When sitting around in a circle we each grabbed a card from our decks and changed the other cards of our deck. "Lulu, what's this card I'm holding?" "That's stun voltech dragon, it gains +10000 if your vanguards attack hits." I said while changing two grade three units. "I'm trying to think here, can you two shut it for a minute." "Well sorry that I can't read." Mirei said before bursting out into laughter. "I'm afraid to laugh at that joke... I'm going with the boys, see ya." I said, gathering every single one of my cards. When walking out the room I noticed a package in front of the door saying winners." I reopened the door and kicked the box inside the room and walked away to the second floor. "Honestly, I can't even make a deck when other people are around. Good thing he lent me his old deck before leaving Mexico, needs a bit work." I said, and then bumped into a unknown person. "Watch it next time, I'm holding nearly millions of dollars here in this box." Someone in a huge puffy dress then through a stack of dollars and walked away out of anger. "Money? WAIT, WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!?" I shouted before throwing the stack of cash at their heel. The back of the heel broke off, leaving them to fall back on their next step. I quickly walked away without regret to the second floor. "AND WITH THAT I FINISH THE GAME." Someone shouted from the third room on the left. "Just one day can it be quiet at night?" I asked. Once at the hotel lobby I sat near the nearest table and looked at both decks. "Well that's interesting, I'm assuming something happened?" Danji said while looking over my shoulder. "I came across this filthy rich girl wearing a puffy dress. And she threw money at me like I was a begger." "Are you not?" Danji said before grabbing my gloves from my side. I quickly tried to get them as I kicked over one card. "Well we meet agin, lulu tashikarie." Someone said as they lifted up dragonic overlord the end. "I didn't expect you, the winner of kagas tournament huh? We meet agin huh, and searching for a fight huh?" "You're from earlier... here for the fight you still owe me or something? I don't think this actually belongs to me." I said before sliding the oracle think tank across the table. "It's not the deck for me." "Wow, then what about this? Gold paladin?" They said before taking out another deck. "Liberator? Listen, I don't want a deck that won't help me win this tournament, and I'm still waiting for that fight also." They moved their hair to the side to reveal two pointy ears while holding a deck in hand. "So you're asking for a fight huh? My family has studied this form of power of vanguard for many years, I'd love to see your fight style along with your own strategy." They said before placing a flagburg deck onto the table. "Flagburg huh? Same deck as mine I bet. Danji, what do I-" "fight your normal fight, nothing else will change with either deck you guys use for this." Danji said while stuffing the gloves in his pocket. "We wouldn't just be fight normally. You like wearing those gloves of yours right? Try these on, you'll surly get a shock out of the old fashion design from the past." They said before dropping a pair onto the table. "I'll go get the others, don't start without us." Danji said before running up the stairs. We both stood there at the table, no one around us in awkward silence. "Let's get this over with. If I win you leave, and I mean leave the tournament for good, and drop your deck and quit vanguard. If I win I'll drop my deck and quit vanguard as well, now let's get this over with while no one is around." They said before placing down their starting vanguard. "Imagine, a world filled with ruins and statues all around you, water running down the pillars. Now get those things on and get your deck ready." They said with a plain look in their eyes. I quickly got them on and drew my five cards and left it there. "Now stand up." "My." "Vanguard." "I'll take this first turn, I discard cho kuu sha, and ride embodiment of armor, bahr. I'll leave my turn at that." I said before placing my hand face down. "I discard bovine blast dragon, and I ride inroad shooter I attack bahr. Drive check, critical trigger." They said with a gigantic smirk on their face. "Damage check, no trigger." I said before placing the card down in the damage zone. A shock ran through my body as the second card went in the damage zone. "What the? What was that?" "A shock to the nerve system. A old team called asteroid invented it so you can feel the same pain as the vanguard." They said before dropping a unnamed card on the drop zone. "Skill, if I drop this flagship flash option to the drop zone and pay a soul blast you take three more damage." They said before removing the soul from their vanguard. "What the? Fine then, first check, draw trigger. My second check, no trigger. And for my final check, no trigger." I said before a massive shock ran through my body. Massive burn marks began to form once the shocks ended. "Your cent... it's humiliation... you can't even fight when you're enjoying this aren't you?" "Oh quit the talk, I play another flagship flash." He said before placing it in his drop zone. I watched as the vision went dark, and then switched to a red armored monster standing right there with their hand on my back and sword facing a inroad shooter. "GRADE ZEROIT NOW!" They shouted as the attack came faster. "I guard with burning flall." I said until the attack vanished into thin air. "I haven't seen that ability in a long time, so you must be as special as them... this might be a challenge." They said while lifting up their cards. "I stand and draw. I discard inferno sword and ride dragon knite Nohalem, and I pay a cost to activate bahrs skill and add a grade one unit from my deck to my hand by revealing it. Stealth dragon, togachirashi to my hand. Brachioforce and stun voltech dragon, I now attack with nohalem." "I guard." They said until they slapped a card on the table. "Deive check, no trigger. I attack with brachioforce attacks." "No guard." He said. "Damage check, heal trigger." He said. "Skill, retire brachioforce and I get to draw a card." I said until he started his his turn. "I discard one card and remove a grade two from my ride deck and get to do another two damage." He said while he revealed another option card. "I use two deflect pulse dragons to stop that damage from going through, and use blaze pole monk, shakune to deal two damage towards you." I said before dropping three units in the drop zone. "What the... that power... looks like I do have a challenge, but I know you don't have another grade two unit in your hand." They said with a massive grin and another card in hand. They placed the same card in the drop zone. "Blaze pole monk, shakune to the drop zone." I said before watching them place two cards in the drop zone. "It's powerful than I thought, you'll be a good asset for this, but I won't be sorry if I win." "That's weird... Danji and the others hasn't got here, why aren't they here?" I asked myself while rubbing the burns. "We're in the quantum zone, a new area I discovered where the shocks are more shocking than before." They said, pointing outside of the window. "That doesn't change anything, I'm still going to kick your butt, I stand and draw. I discard stealth dragon and ride dragonic overlord. I superior call nahalem from the soul and add stealth dragon to my soul. I now attack with dragonic overlord. And there's one critical trigger." I said with a smile. "Damage check, no trigger, second check, a heal trigger." They said while removing a card from their damage. "Skill, cost blast and restand dragonic overlord and I attack. A heal trigger." "No trigger. I discard a card and send one grade three unit from my ride deck to my drop zone. After that you can use a grade four unit to stop the damage, so I hope you're ready." They said while slamming down their option onto the table. I checked my hand to only see a grade two, three, and zeros in my hand. "Damage check, no trigger. Second check, no trigger... that ends the game." I said before the electricity raced through my body. "It's been fun kid, but go home and leave your team, they'll be better off with a leader such as me." He said before he snapped his fingers. When waking up I looked around everywhere to see the front gate of wonder hill. "What the? Why am I here?" I then hovered my hand over my poncho before trying to reach under it. "My decks, they're gone? But what in the world is happening?" Once walking into the abandon amusement park I felt around my side to then grab the same gloves I wore earlier, and then checked inside of them to see the winners tournament deck case in them. "I hope this is flagburg." I said to myself as I opened it slowly. Once pulling out the deck I flipped it around to see the other deck. "Oh great, just my best day. He took my favorite decks and left me with this thing?" Once leaving the hill I went on a bus heading back home, and then watched as a world flashed before my eyes, covered in fire racing along the land and ocean. "I tried so hard... I lost agin to that freak. Why can't I just keep it together?" I asked myself and then tried checking my pockets one last time. "Everyone must be in California watching the tournament." Once near home I walked into the nearest card shop with cash in hand, and then walked in with no other thought. Once at home I tried to build a deck, with every card. Once completing the deck I tried to lift it up before a shock ran through my body. Once the next day came I sat in first period and watched as two boys outside the school gate had a cardfight, and then watched as the one on the left lost. "I don't get it. I was able to lift up those cards, but not even that deck? First both decks are missing. Second I'm not with any of my friends. And now this is the only deck I have that I'm able to carry around." While at lunch I began going through the card, trying to find a card in that looked familiar until I came across one. "Flag captain liberator? It's like deja vu." I said while grabbing another card. "Flagburg liberator? He didn't change my deck, he changed every single one of my cards. But why gold paladin? This isn't my stoicheia deck, nor my dragon empire. I want them back now." "HII! It's been awhile, and I thought you were still at winners tournament?" Someone said while throwing their bag onto the table. "What the?" "I go here remember? I haded to come back or else I wouldn't hear the last of it from my folks." Coco said, and then dropped a deck on the ground. "Whoops, well let's get this over with now, let's cardfighting." Coco said.

Card introductions: hello pathetic fighters, I'm guessing you're wondering about this flagship flash option, aka my special order. If I ride a grade one and not the rest by playing this card I get to deal twice the damage, and more as the grade I discard from my ride deck the more damage my opponent takes, and if they play certain cards to guard they can stop that damage, you can even give this card your own name and use in any deck. Now get ready, because this tournament got even better.

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