Mechanic showdown

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Once when getting on the plane after yesterdays incident. While on our way there we all looked out the windows, watching the city being over run by cars. "It says here we're going to land in L.A and head towards the arena in Bakersfield. Any places you guys wanna go?" Danji said while looking at the pamphlet closely. "I heard they have great beaches there. And the tournament doesn't start till next Monday. What do you say lulu." "I don't know, I basically grew up in a desert area, I don't like beaches that much." I said. "I heard they have some candy apples there, and even this ice cream cone that's made out of a powdered bread." Yu-yu said, trying to bribe me. "Okay then, beach it is. But I'm not going for the candy apples y'know." "We all know that's a lie, let's just hope the others get here fine with the public planes." Mirei said while in the middle of shuffling her deck. Once touching the ground people began to move around a red carpet that lead through the entrance. While walking to the end of the door news reporters and the press surrounded every team that walked out without a care. "Miss Mirei, pleas tell me how you are planning on cheating for this match." "You must be yu-yu kondo, is it true you used cheats in your last round." "CAN EVERYONE STOP! We are not cheating, we're bringing a new era to this game you might know now as forever break, this is not a way to cheat, it's a complicated way to play now." I said and then walked through the crowed. "Cheating my butt, we're not the only ones with the forever break skill. Even though I didn't know they made other cards like those. I ought to give them a piece of my mind." "Pleas don't start another fight. I wonder if they're even here?" Danji said until tripping over someone. "Watch it next time. The young miss isn't going to fight without her decks in hand." Someone said until they walked away. "Those are decks?" Danji asked himself. As we struggled to get a good connection a notification popped up on our phones, revealing a email and a map. "Fun time beach special at Long Beach. And look, there's a map." Yu-yu said. "Long Beach? It's just a thirty minute walk. We should tell the others." "Or we can just go on without them. They do have to know how to get to Bakersfield either way." I said before opening the email. The email began to change after clicking it agin, revealing the words entered. "Let's go. TO LONG BEACH!" While getting a bus to the beach people began crowding all the seats, pushing us apart from each other. "This isn't good, if we get off at the wrong stop then we'll get separated." The bus began to move, carrying everyone inside, not knowing where we're heading first. Danji looked out the window to see us heading the other direction. "WAIT, STOP THE BUS!" Danji shouted. Danji got off the bus and then looked around to see a giant building with orange letters on its front. "Sunrise entertainment? I don't remember this the last I was in America, so it must be a California thing." Danji said until the bus started to move. Once inside the partly empty store that was filled with rubble people began to dig around, grabbing cards off the ground left to right. "HAY BOSS, I FOUND ONE!" "That's good, I just need one more and now I can completely use this new format for the first time." Someone said as the held a card with a blue metal dragon on it. "HAY YOU! GET OUT OF HERE! YOU SHOULDN'T BE IN HERE!" Someone shouted. "Woah there, it's all fine you guys. I'm sure they don't mean any harm. Hi there, I'm chrono shindou, me and my team are trying to look for some cards the fell here along time ago." They said as they reached out their hand. "I assume you're part of this little tournament also? A team of three right?" "I'm actually suppose to be with my friends, I lost them on the bud, and they got off earlier than I expected. I'm Danji momoyama." Danji said before shaking their hand. Once after a few hours of moving the rubble from the ground everyone sat around exhausted, sweat dripping down their face. "Salut les gars, désolé d'être en retard. We saw something that caught our eye so we just stayed awhile." Someone said as two people walked in holding massive bags of food. "Took you two awhile, thanks. That's tokoha and shion, we're in the winners tournament, and with this new format, but some of my cards went missing in this rubble." "Hi there, are you also in the winners tournament?" The blond haired one said, setting down one of the bags filled with bags. "I'm here with my friends and sister, we were heading to the beach until they got off the bus without me. I'm suppose to be a chaperone for the tournament so they're probably waiting." Danji said. Once at the beach the three of us stood around out of boredom, not knowing what to do next. "There's not even a good fight around here, and we didn't even have to use our best cards." Mirei said out of exhaustion. "Speaking of best cards, look at the board, looks like we're we're facing a team called try 3. I wonder what they're like and if they're even here." "They're here alright, I did my studies in the other areas of the tournament, and they won the France winners tournament and advance to California." I said before cleaning one of my gloves. "I wonder what it'll be like with the new cards we gained from last areas tournament, is this even possible to beat this thing with only one move, and even if we do win what now?" Yu-yu said while going through his deck, changing every little card. "And let alone we need to find Danji, he's been missing the whole day. Let alone who this try 3 team is, and what decks they use. And also fine the others do they won't be lost." Yu-yu said until he dropped one of the cards onto the ground. Someone then walked up and grabbed the card, and then looked at it closely. "True sunrise chakra forger, sunrise nirvana. And the only one of its kind to be exact, and you're the one holding this? I'm not surprised someone from one of the past tournaments are here." They said until placing down the card on the bench. "Yu-yu kondo I believe, and this is the team for the winners tournament? A regrettable child, and one that uses stickers to see the cards, you should be in a real team." They said until they walked away, not regretting what they have said. "That's it, I'm going to teach him a lesson." "You teach me a lesson? I like to see you try with every card you got, but we're playing my format." They said while placing down a case filled with multiple decks from other nations and the five I'm familiar with. "Dragonic overlord the end? Fine, then I guess I'll go with oracle think tank instead." "And for you, kondo." They said until facing the case towards yu-yu. He began to hover his hand towards one deck before reaching down to grab it, and then went through the deck. "Premium format, oracle think tank and kagero huh? Well if you look at the time, I believe I must leave right now." They said before walking away for no reason. "HAY, WHAT ABOUT OUR FIGHT!" They ignored everything and went ahead with no care. Once an hour the final fight came along, three people stood on the other end of a table, keeping a close eyes. "See you guys after this fight." "WAIT, WHY DO YOU GET TO FIGHT!? I really wanted to." I searched through my pocket until taking out a new deck. "I'm trying this new deck, thanks by the way for handing me the sleeves." "So that's what you used them for? And that's dragonic overlord." "AND THIS FORMAT FOR THIS MATCH WILL NOW BE, wait for it... PREMIUM, SO HOPE YOU BROUGHT YOUR DECKS!" The two of us just stood there while Mirei walked up to the table with a hidden smile. "When it comes to premium I'm the one with the actual deck." She said before placing one card in the center of the board. Someone from the other team then walked up holding a card with the blue dragon on it. "No way, I seen that card on the news, it's chrono jet dragon." "Chrono jet dragon? Then that means Mirei is facing their leader." Yu-yu said until he grabbed my camera and started recording. "HAY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, RESPECT PRIVACY MAN!" "Don't worry, I'm trying to find out their play style." Yu-yu said until I grabbed my camera back. "Now stand up, vanguard." Once the fight ended in five turns Mirei stood there in shock as she stayed at five damage. "Now with double critical and power added to maser gear I attack the vanguard." "Damage check, stand trigger." "That's chrono for you, not giving them a single chance." "Kinda lousy if you asked me, right yu-yu." "LOUSY, LIKE YOUR ANY BETTER!" Yu-yu and the blond hair one slowly stepped back and hid behind a tree. "We'll just stay over here tokoha." They said. "HAY GUYS, OVERHERE!" Danji shouted from a distance. They began run with ice cream cones in their hands until a seagul raced out of no where and knocked them out of their hands. "Damnit, I just got those ice creams to." Danji shouted before throwing a rock from off the ground at the seagull. "I spent half a hour in that line and this is what happens?" "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" "You know them?" Danji began to explain everything as the six of us sat there. "So after all of that time for introductions, team try 3, these are my friends... what's your team name?" The three of us just sat there and then began to panic. "The thing is, we sorta don't have one yet, weren't you suppose to pick one out or something?" "DON'T BLAME ME! Besides, I left Mirei to the design... now I think of it that's a bad idea." "I took care of it, since the forever break I named this team at the last second. Luckily Haruka helped me with the painting." Mirei said as she placed a wooden pieces with of string attached to it that said break. "We are team break, I'm Mirei, and that's lulu and yu-yu, they're my teammates for the tournament." "I'm chrono, and that's tokoha and shion, and we're apart of the winners tournament as well." "The winners tournament? WAIT, IF I TAKE YOU ON RIGHT NOW AND WIN THEN YOU'LL BE OUT OF THE TOURNAMENT!" "Oh be quiet." Danji said, and then looked at his phone. Once leaving the beach the seven of us got on a empty bus, watching the doors closed and the bus beginning to move. When sitting around the bus separately it filled in with awkward silence all around. "Team try 3 huh... one of the greatest teams that was ever created. If we end up fighting them in the finals, or the beginning of he tournament then we're out of the game, this isn't good for our position, with lulu she has Warship break dragon, and yu-yu has that true sunrise chakra forger, sunrise nirvana, and my card. With every fight we finish in this tournament we can make four new cards." Mirei whispered to herself as she held her deck in hand, focusing on the sound of the busses tires. "This tournament is getting to hectic, and when we got that invite I knew who it was, but how? He looked so different from last tournament, and due to what happened to my friends things surly has to happen this tournament. That's why I'm going to win this for them, just so I won't see them like my friends back then." "Must sound tough. Kinda like my time when I was your age y'know, chrono tokoha and I had to face a group called apostles, they were good cardfighters that we ever faced, so if you think of it we're kind of in the same boat... they also took our friends, two of the greatest fighters out there." Shion said, going through their phone. "So, interesting trip right? A lot of good fighters out there, and a lot of possibilities right? Ready for this American fight, and I know I am. With this new format I'll surly get the hang of this deck." "It isn't easy y'know. My first day as a card fighter is when when I lost a memory card for my camera. Yu-yu forgot his deck at school so we retraced our steps and found his deck and my memory card. I knew we were going to be good friends that day but I was wrong when I first tried, Danji told me all about the winners tournament so I participated by gaining multiple wins in a row. I just wanted a chance to get to be with my first friend in kaga, but now look at us, stuck in the same bud for three hours." Chrono began to look out the window, as we left the city of L.A to Bakersfield California. "It might be tough all around the edges, but I'm sure everything will be okay once it's over, besides, not every view has to be dark and gloomy." Chrono said before pointing at the glowing city of L.A everyone gathered against the window to watching the beautiful light of the city shimmer through the area. "Not every view is dark and gloomy..."

Card introductions: hi there everybody, I'm chrono, and today we're here to talk about my ace card in the rabbits hole. Chronojet dragon, this card can also use generation blast to use a G unit that's a grade four, I just need to use this special card and I also have to discard as many cards to make the number three for a grade, and as long as you have that you're unstoppable.

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