Now stand up

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As the morning wasted away I walked around town as I held onto a shopping bag. "Damnit. Out of all days why do I catch a cold now... let alone while mom is on a business trip." I said to myself while sniffling a bit, struggling to carry the bag I sat down near a park an set the bag down. Two hours later a police car pulled by an Tomari walked out with zakusa. "Holy cow. Lulu? What happened? When did you get here?" Tomari asked an then ran over while Zakusa just stood there near the car. "Here, try biting down on this." Tomari said while grabbing a apple from my bag an held it up. I begin to try an bite it but then only left a mark. "Where's your mom? Doesn't she know you're sick?" "She went with my dad for business... I decided to go grocery shopping on my own." I said as I tried to stay awake. "Zakusa! Grab my my phone! It's in the car!" Tomari demanded an Zakusa quickly went into the cop car an pulled out a phone. After a quick checkup at a nearby clinic I laid in the back of a cop car, resting an breathing heavily. Megumi came running an panting for air an then opened the cars door. "Don't worry megi. She'll be fine. It should only last for a week." Tomari said an then Megumi sighed. "That's good... DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD!" Megumi shouted an Tomari slapped her in the back of her head. "BE QUIET OR YOU'LL WAKE HER UP!" Tomari shouted in response. "Honestly you two. Even if you try you can't even stay quiet." Zakusa calmly said as he just grabbed his phone and begin to make a call. "That decides it. Tomari, drive us to my house. I'll make sure she'll get the proper rest she needs." Megumi said an Tomari just sighed. "Fine. But I'm defiantly coming over. I'd like to see your methods." Tomari said mockingly as she held up the keys. Once in megumi's house after a hour had passed I was under a heated blanket while one of megumi's maids just checked my temperature. "Miss okura. May I suggest that we call their mother? Your friend seems to be in a lot of discomfort, let alone their throat is also red." The maid said while placing a patch upon my forehead. "It could take a Miracle that she gets up in time for the next meeting... let alone at all." Megumi said to herself and then the maid immediately left. "Honestly lulu. This is just like what happened to yu-yu. But worse." Megumi said but then a doorbell rang. After a few minutes Tomari an Zakusa walked in. "How did you get in!?" Megumi shouted an then Tomari held up a hairpin. "Are you forgetting. How's lulu. Did she wake up yet?" Tomari asked an then Zakusa sighed. "She nearly woke up, but then she's been like this ever since." "Well let me try something." Zakusa said an then walked towards the couch an crouched down. "Even if a butterfly has bloomed out of its cocoon, something as beautiful as its wind will slowly die down." Zakusa said an then my mouth opened an I took a deep breath. "But soon someday... that butterfly...... would rise high...... an shine like the... sun." I said between gasps an my eyes twitched. Megumi an Tomari just stared as their jaws dropped an Zakusa just stood back up with his usual smile. "How'd you do that Zakusa!?" "You gotta show us your ways!" Tomari an Megumi just stared, Megumi then walked to the couch and looked down. "It's simple. Me an lulu argue like this all the time. It's quiet nice though. It also helps me not go street punk." Zakusa said an then I gasped for air agin. "Hay lulu. Are you awake yet?" Megumi asked am I managed to open my eyes half away am they were bloodshot an then all three sighed. "Am... I home..?" I agin between gasps an Tomari just laughed. "Don't worry, you're fine. You're in my house. Are you able to chew..?" Megumi asked but then Tomari held up a picture on her phone with the apple I originally bit into. "We don't want to force her. So it best she sticks with soft foods that can be easy to swallow, an sooth her throat." Tomari said. The doorbell rang agin an Megumi panicked. "OH NO! I PROMISED URARA THAT ID HELP HER WITH HER DECK TODAY!" Megumi shouted an then ran to the front gate of her house and slid it open. After awhile Megumi came back looking defeated an not just urara but yu-yu walked in which immediately caught my attention. "Yu-yu!?" I quickly sat up an grabbed my deck from my bag. "We should talk about this some other time...... not around some people." Yu-yu said under his breath which manage to make its way to my ear. "Lulu, you shouldn't try to sit up." Tomari said an put a finger on my forehead an pushed me back down. "No fare... I want to cardfight." I said an then my eyes went heavy agin. "You'll cardfight after you get better. I saw your arm shaking when you shot yourself up." Tomari said an I just sighed. Once Tomari, Zakusa, an urara, left yu-yu an Megumi stayed behind an I just laid there like a potato. "Alright. When I got controlled I tried to fight back against it. Some blue haired guy saved me after beating me in a cardfight. If it wasn't for him I would've never come back with my original cards." Yu-yu said an I looked at my deck that was on the table. A dinging sound came from the kitchen Megumi walked over an came back with a bowl of ramen. "Just open your mouth. This will help with your throat. An it's easy to swallow." Megumi's said. "Megumi. Why don't I take her to my house. Plus, you're sorta alone on taking care of her. My sisters basically treated her as one of their own." Yu-yu said an then I groaned. "Noooo. They'll dress me up girly agin." "Sorry, but yu-yu has a point." Megumi said with a sigh. Once at night in yu-yu's house I heard the noise that gave me quick flashbacks. "Akiko, yukiko. Can you not bother lulu right now. She's only here for the week. Pleas don't make it harder than it already is." Yu-yu said as both Akiko an Yukiko just stood there with dresses in hand. "But yu-yu. You were gone all week last time. We still need someone to have fun with an dress up." Akiko said with a mischievous smile. "Besides. She's a better little sibling." Yukiko said an Akiko gasped in offense. After the two left while in a argument yu-yu sat down an sighed. "Wow. They really treat you like a sister. Maybe you should make it official an dye your hair blue." Yu-yu said jokingly but I was already trying to break free from the blanket. "Nooooo... I don't wanna dye my hair." I said tiredly, still trying to break free I finally got my arms out. "I like your sisters though...... I've always wanted to have sisters." "Trust me. You don't." Yu-yu said as he just stared wide eyed. Two days later I managed to walk just fine without help, but every step was more wobbly than when I first tried. My throat still was in complete to speak normally an I felt more tired. "Hay lulu... since you're fully functional now." Akiko said an walked up with a dress an blue hair dye. "Akiko. Give them a break. They barely were able to walk normally. They don't need to run away from you now." Yukiko said but then laughed mischievously. "You should put on a purple dress next." Yukiko said an pulled out one from behind. "Oooh, I like that one better. Y'know what. We should start calling you lukiko since you're going to be staying here for a week." Akiko said an yu-yu just sat on the couch an chuckled nervously as he watched as I got attack by two vicious sisters. *three days later my throat was finally better but my body still ached a bit. "Awww. Yu-yu. Does she have to leave?" Yukiko an Akiko said as they were on the couch looking down. "She has to before her mom gets back." Yu-yu said an then sighed.

Card introduction: hay guys! Aichi here with a new card! Majesty lord blaster! If I have a blaster blade and a blaster dark in its soul it gains a total of +2000 power, and an extra critical. If I attack an opponents vanguard I can place blaster blade in its soul to be able to send my opponents rear-guard to their drop zone. But if I place a blaster dark it gains an extra drive check, that's all folks!

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