Chapter 1

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There was nothing like Christmas in Winter Grove. Nestled deep in the Rocky Mountains, the small town was never short on snow. Thick, white flakes drifted through the air, like the town had been captured in its own shimmering snow globe.

Despite the cold and snow, the town's charming main street bustled with activity. It was the beginning of December, and as Christmas grew ever closer, people had lots to do. Locals were out doing their holiday shopping; tourists were arriving for the town's annual festival; and the students of Grove University were studying for their finals and preparing for their trips back home for the Christmas break.

Celeste Brighton wasn't one of them. This year she was staying in Winter Grove for Christmas... and she couldn't be more excited.

She watched all the hustle and bustle from the window of her small off-campus apartment. From her spot, she had a perfect view of Winter Grove's town square, of the sparkling lights strung across the lampposts, and of the giant tree in the center of town. The enormous winter green tree—from which Winter Grove got its name—was the centerpiece of the town's Christmas Tree Festival.


Celeste turned, her copper curls bouncing around her heart-shaped face.

Alicia, Celeste's best friend and roommate, had stepped out of her bedroom and was looking around their small living room. Her dark eyes had gone wide, sparkling as they caught the light.

"Wooow," she said again. "You've been busy, Cee."

Celeste gave her friend a sheepish grin. She had been busy. She had decorated their small living room with every bit of festivity a college student's budget could muster. Hundreds of twinkling lights were strung across the walls; hand-cut paper snowflakes hung from the ceiling by fishing line so it appeared they were floating in the air; and on their small TV in front of the bricked up fireplace was playing a video of a crackling fire accompanied by soft holiday music.

"All you're missing is the tree," Alicia said, admiring the scene.

"I was thinking it was something Jared and I could do together," Celeste said, warmth blooming across her freckled cheeks. "When we go to the festival tomorrow, I want to pick up a tree and bring it back here to decorate it."

She couldn't stop the smile spreading across her face as she thought of it.

Alicia looked fondly at her friend. "That sounds like fun."

"I just hope he likes it," Celeste said, pressing her lips together as she looked at her handiwork. "I know not everyone is as Christmas-crazy as I am."

"He's been your boyfriend for two years, I think he's probably noticed your all-consuming love of the holiday season," Alicia said with a chuckle. "Besides getting a tree, do you have plans for the break? Sorry, dumb question—I know you must have a plan."

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