Chapter 6

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The morning sun reflected off the fresh snow and filtered through the curtains in Celeste's bedroom. Celeste stirred, her head throbbing, and wiped at her face. Pulling her hand back, she found smeared mascara and lipstick on her palm. She had slept in her makeup. Rolling over, she found herself in her own bed, though she didn't remember how she got there.

Alicia was sleeping next to her, still in her red dress, though it was now paired with a set of Celeste's pajama pants. Celeste was still in her green dress too, though no pajamas had been added. As she sat up, her vision swam. A beat had started in her head, like the pounding music from last night.

Last night...

What had happened last night?

She racked her brain, but it was all a blur. She remembered being unable to stop staring at Jared and that girl. But then there was a big ol' void, a gap in her memory. The sinking feeling in her stomach told her something had happened, something awful...

But what?

Or maybe her turning stomach was just the hangover starting to hit.

She was swearing off shots. And green drinks. Maybe green things all together. She held her head.

Alicia awoke next to her, blinking at the sunlight. "Hey," she said sleepily. Despite the fact she had also slept in her makeup, she still looked great. "How're you feeling?"

"What happened last night?" Celeste said, still holding her head.

Alicia let out a loud laugh that made Celeste's head throb even more. "Oh, jeez, Cee. Where to start?" She laughed again.

"It's not funny!" Celeste said, picking up a throw pillow—Christmas-themed, of course—and whomping her friend with it, though the movement only made her own head swoon. "I did something bad, didn't I? Didn't I?"

"Bad?" Alicia said, between giggles and dodging the pillow. "I wouldn't say bad. Actually, you were, like, my hero last night."

Celeste loved Alicia like a sister, but her friend's definition of 'hero' did not make her feel any better. To Alicia, streaking was considered heroic. If Celeste had been worthy of the title of 'hero' in Alicia's eyes, then she definitely had something to worry about.

"Oh my god, what did I do?" Celeste asked, her voice going high-pitched as the panic set in. "What did I do?"

Alicia leaned her head on her hand. "Remember Sterling?"

"Sterling?" she echoed the name. "Like your brother's friend? The one staying with Olly? That Sterling?"

Alicia nodded. "That Sterling."

A flashback hit. She remembered standing at the bar, apologizing to him for insulting his tattoo or insulting the fact that he had tattoos. She couldn't quite remember which. Okay, that hadn't been her greatest moment, but at least she had apologized. She wasn't sure it hadn't been very articulate, but it still counted for something, right?

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