Chapter 15

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On the third night of The Christmas Tree Festival, Sterling headed to Celeste's apartment to pick her up. Tucked under his arm was a small gift for her. It only seemed right, considering which night of the Festival it was—The Night of Gifts.

As he reached the door to her apartment, he poked at the little intercom. It gave a buzz, and as Sterling stood there, waiting for a response, he took a look around. Celeste and Alicia's apartment was over a dusty little bookshop that had closed early in preparation for the festival—or so the sign on the door said. If Sterling had to guess, though, as he peered through the dirty window, the place looked like it hadn't been open in ages.

The intercom gave a buzz back. "Sterling?" came Celeste's crackling voice.

"Yep, it's me," Sterling replied.

The intercom gave another buzz, and the door clicked as it was unlatched. Sterling pulled it open and stepped into the small lobby, stomping to shake the snow off his boots before he headed up the stairs. The door to Celeste's apartment was right off the landing and was probably already unlocked. As he stepped in, he found Celeste in the living room, waiting for him. She was wearing a soft white oversized sweater that hung more like a tunic over her dark leggings.

A bright smile spread across her face at the sight of him. "Hi!" she cheered. "You're right on time."

"You say that like it's some great achievement," he said, chuckling. He swiped at his face—it felt warm, though when he touched it his cheeks were still cool from the cold. He kept his coat, the same one borrowed from Alicia, on because he expected she'd want to head out as soon as possible. "I got you something."

Celeste tilted her head at him. "Why?"

Sterling had to laugh. Who questioned getting gifts? "It's the Night of Gifts, isn't it?"

"But you've already gotten me a gift... Gifts, even!" she motioned to the tree in the corner by the mantle, still leaning lopsided in the bucket. It was thick and fluffy, and the air was thick with its pleasant resinous smell, so it seemed to be doing well.

"Well, here's one more."

He held it out to her. Something had been placed loosely in whatever gaudy gift bag paper Olly had on hand—lime green with cherry red stripes.

Curious, she stepped forward to take it. "Should I open it?"

"Probably," Sterling said. "I think it's more useful before Christmas than after, so, go ahead."

Celeste tore into the clumsily wrapped tissue paper, revealing a small roll of white garland. It was iridescent, reminiscent of ice crystals. She smiled at it, running her hand over its fuzzy texture.

"I figured you might need a little more for your tree," Sterling said, nodding to it. It was still only decorated with the two ornaments he'd bought her, a string of lights, and its paper-snowflake star.

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