Chapter 16

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Leaving the Festival early meant Celeste and Sterling could get to The Snowball's Chance before the big rush. Celeste also liked walking the town's streets with no one in the way. The place was lit up, and every store was decorated for Christmas. There were trails of lights hanging in every frost-cornered window and thick, green wreaths on every door. That was one thing Celeste really loved about Winter Grove—how everyone came together for the season. That was what made the Christmas Tree Festival so special.

As she snuck a look at Sterling, she thought she saw him smiling, too, as he took in the beauty of the streets. Despite what he'd said about not liking Christmas, it appeared he was enjoying the festivities, even if just a bit. Was he starting to change his mind about the season? She wondered what could've caused that...

He turned to look at her. "I'm glad you're smiling again."

"I'm smiling?" Celeste said. She touched her cheek as it flushed red. She hadn't even realized.

Sterling laughed. "Yeah. You should do that more. It looks good on you."

"You should talk," Celeste grumbled. "But I just haven't had a lot to smile about lately."

"And now you do?"

Celeste shrugged. "I guess so."

As they neared the bar, Celeste spotted an unfamiliar car parked on the street out front. The car was old, probably even older than her, and it was spotted with patches of rust. It was very out of place amongst all the perfect shine and sparkle of the town's decorations.

"Where'd that piece of junk come from?" Celeste wondered aloud as they walked past.

Sterling laughed. "That's my car."

"It is?" Celeste's face went hot as she whipped around to look at him. "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay," Sterling said. "I know my car isn't much to look at, but it's a reliable car. It's out front because I took it in for a tune up today. I need to make sure it can handle the snow when I leave town."

"You're leaving?" Celeste said. For some reason, a chill crawled up the back of her neck.

"Not just yet," Sterling said. "Not until after Christmas."

"Right," Celeste said. "That's good. I don't want you to... miss Christmas."

"I won't," Sterling promised as they reached the bar's door. He held the door open for her and followed after she went ahead.

Inside, The Snowball's Chance was pretty much dead. There were only a few regulars scattered throughout, plus Olly behind the bar... and Alicia sitting on a stool across from him.

"Alicia?" Celeste cried at the sight of her friend. She ran over and threw her arms around her friend's neck, pulling her into a tight hug. "What are you doing here?"

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