Chapter 14

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"Is this really what you do after decorating a tree?" Sterling asked Celeste. "Just sit here and stare at it?"

"Yes," Celeste said, sipping at a glass of eggnog. With the tree in place, it finally started to feel like Christmas to Celeste. "My mom calls it basking."

Her heart seemed to swell as she admired the tree in its new place in her living room. The tiny golden lights glowing against the green, the sharp scent of evergreen hung heavy in the air, even the silly hearth video playing on the TV in front of the boarded-up fireplace. The apartment no longer felt so cold and empty. It was all...

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said with a happy sigh.

Sterling stared at the tree and took a drink of his own glass of eggnog. He made a face. He'd never had it before. Celeste giggled. She had poured them both a glass after she made Sterling sit down on the couch with her.

"The tree is... nice," he finally agreed.

"It's more than nice," Celeste replied, almost offended.

"Fine," Sterling agreed, looking over at her. "It's beautiful."

The tree was beautiful. Even if it wasn't the picture-perfect tree that she was used to at her parents—or the one she imagined decorating with Jared—but its beauty came from the fact it was hers...

And his.

She snuck a look at Sterling. He was still staring at the tree. He seemed to be getting the hang of the whole basking thing. And despite the fact he had looked a little alarmed by the eggnog at first, he was happily drinking it now.

Celeste smiled to herself. She was kind of surprised to find she was enjoying herself. She had never imagined that this was what her season was going to be—spending it with a stranger. Well, Sterling wasn't quite a stranger, not anymore. She had to admit he had been very kind and a surprisingly good sport.

"Thank you," she said for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Sterling looked over and just shook his head. "You've thanked me enough."

"It doesn't feel like it. You've gone above and beyond," Celeste said. "You've made this whole thing very believable—very real."

"Yeah, right... Real," Sterling echoed. For some reason, he sounded bothered. "I'm sure Jared's very convinced."

"I hope so," Celeste said with a sigh, sinking deeper into the couch. "Otherwise I'm spending this Christmas alone. Worst Christmas ever."

"Well, why don't you come over and spend Christmas with me and Olly?" Sterling said. "I mean, if Jared doesn't come to his senses, that is."

Celeste perked up. "You're staying for Christmas?" She thought she had heard Alicia say something about him being gone before the holiday.

Sterling looked stunned for a moment but bounced back. "Yeah, I... I guess I am."

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