Chapter 18

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Olly was holding up the purple silk tie like he was threatening to strangle Sterling with it. If Sterling put much more of a fight about what to wear to the Christmas Tree Ball, he just might.

"No ties," Sterling said as he sat, arms folded, on the couch. He hated ties.

"Look, I know you have very particular tastes," Olly warned. "But you can't just wear your own clothes. They won't let you in with your usual hoodie and jeans."

"No ties," Sterling said again.

"If you want any hope of getting in there," Olly growled through gritted teeth. "You're going to have to dress up a little."

Sterling held fast. "I'll wear whatever else, but no ties."

Olly threw the tie to the ground. "Oh my god! You are still as stubborn as you were when you were a kid!" He huffed and crossed his arms. He looked outside through the big windows that ran the one side of this loft apartment. It was snowing outside, the flakes soft and thick, setting the perfect scene for Christmas Eve and Winter Grove's Christmas Tree Ball.

Olly sighed. He truly was a lover of all things Christmas. His apartment was just as decorated as the bar downstairs, though Olly had kept things a little more classic. Red, green, white, and gold were scattered throughout, lit up like hundreds of yards of string lights. Sterling was just thankful he kept most of the decorations out of the guest room, though he had snuck a small tree in there earlier today.

Olly's attention settled back on Sterling, and a smile spread across his face, slow and unsettling. "If you don't dress up, you don't go," he said, his gray eyes glinting in the light of his massive Christmas tree. "And if you don't go, you'll end up disappointing Alicia... and Celeste."

"What do they have to do with it?" Sterling grumbled, leaning back. "I never said I wasn't going to go. I just don't want to wear a tie."

"I think that has everything to do with it," Olly said, going back to the large rack made of black iron pipe that he used to hang his clothes. "And if you're not going to wear a tie, then we're going to have to go a bit more daring, to make it seem like a choice."

"What do you mean by everything?" Sterling asked.

Olly just kept sorting through his clothes, draping a few items over his arm like he hadn't heard Sterling's question.

"What do you mean by everything?" Sterling repeated himself.

"It was very kind of you to help Celeste out like that," Olly said, holding out a velvet blazer for a moment before slotting back onto the rack.

Sterling narrowed his eyes at Olly. "I told you, Alicia wanted to use her favor for me to look out for her while she was gone and—"

"But Alicia's back," Olly said. "So you don't need to do that anymore."

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