Chapter 20

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"Please, Cee," Jared pleaded as Sterling watched him. "Just for a minute."

Sterling and Celeste lingered in place on the dance floor as Jared loomed at their side. Sterling looked at Celeste, watching as she studied her ex-boyfriend. Her brow folded up, and she pressed her lips together. He recognized that quirk—it was something Celeste would do whenever she was thinking about something really hard.

He held his breath and waited. He didn't understand why she didn't leap at the chance. This is what she wanted.

Wasn't it?

He had to admit, her hesitation did give him... hope.

Hope that she'd just realized that Jared wasn't worth her time.

Hope that she'd suddenly changed her mind about wanting him back.

Hope that she'd say no and send Jared away.

But, came a nasty little voice in the back of his head, why would she?

And then, Celeste spoke. "Alright," she said, finally. "We can talk. Just for a minute."

He exhaled and felt himself deflate.

For a second, she glanced at Sterling, almost as if she was gauging his reaction or asking if it was alright. But who was he to refuse? He wasn't really her boyfriend. So he gave her a nod and released her, offering his spot to Jared so he could dance with her. Once Jared pulled her away, Sterling turned away to give them privacy. He got off the floor and headed into the crowd.

He could really use a drink.

This is what she wanted. It was true, but it still hurt.

He made his way back to the main hall, where the bar was situated. He let out a groan when he saw the length of the line. It appeared that the whole town was thirsty. The line stretched down the hall, snaked past the stairs and trailed off into the parlour.

No drink then, Sterling thought. It wasn't what he really needed, after all. No, what he really needed was some quiet, a bit of peace where he could sort out his thoughts.

He walked alongside the crowded line to the bar, expertly maneuvering through the dense net of people until he'd reached the end of the hall. Beneath the grand staircase was a narrow little arch there that led into a small hallway. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to be here, but no one gave him a second look as he stepped through, so he figured it was fine.

The small hallway was dark and narrow, clearly not meant for guests.

At the far end, another archway led to a bright room with shiny white tile floors. He could hear the distant clatter of dishes and the clanking of pans—it was the kitchens, he guessed. Ahead, another narrow door opened off to the grand hall, and the sounds of music and conversation could be heard. And. directly to his left was an even narrower set of stairs that led upwards.

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