Chapter 9

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Celeste twisted and turned in front of the mirror, inspecting how her new sweater dress hugged her curves. The dress was a soft, pale grey with Fair Isle detailing around the cowl neck, and she had paired it with thick black tights and black boots. The outfit was equal measures of cute and cozy—perfect for an outdoor date.

"I still can't believe Sterling agreed to come to the festival with me," Celeste said, turning to Alicia. Alicia had come home with the good news alongside the promised cinnamon buns.

"Sterling is full of surprises," Alicia said from her spot on the edge of Celeste's bed. She was helping Celeste get ready while she waited for her cab to take her to the airport. "You wouldn't know it from looking at him, but he's got a big heart under that gloom and doom exterior."

"Well, it was very nice of him," Celeste said. "Though I can't help but think he didn't come to this decision on his own." She looked at her. She had an inkling that Alicia had said something to him, but her friend was playing innocent.

"Okay, I might've helped to convince him. He did owe me a teensy little favor," Alicia said with a shrug. "But I was hoping that this would help you put Jared out of your mind."

"I see," Celeste said, pressing her lips together.

"Come on, Cee," Alicia said. "Please don't spend your holiday fretting over him. If Jared has moved on so quickly, then he's not worth it."

"I guess. Maybe."

Alicia just sighed. She didn't like that answer.

The truth was, even after last night, even after seeing him kissing that girl... She still missed him. Her mind knew it was over, but it wasn't so easy to convince her heart to let him go.

Fighting off the ache in her chest, she focussed instead on her hair. "Do I want to wear my hair up, or down?"

"Does it matter if it's going to be under a hat?" Alicia asked.

"Oh, right, a hat!" Celeste ran to her closet to find one.

Alicia leaned back and watched Celeste rifle through her closet. "What's the plan for tonight, anyway?" She seemed a little worried.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to make Sterling suffer," Celeste said, coming out of her closet with her arms full of a wide selection of winter hats. She had one of every kind—fancy felt berets, ones with furry ear flaps, beanies with big pom-poms. She carried them all over to the bed and dumped them down next to Alicia. "It's simple. I just want to make an appearance—show up, be seen, and then we can go home. And then, after, if anyone asks, it was a fling that didn't work out."

"Should be easy," Alicia agreed. For some reason, she seemed relieved.

Celeste rubbed her lips together, pressing in her peach-pink lipstick. "I hope so," she said. She picked up a black beanie with fuzzy white pom-pom right on top and slid it on.

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