Chapter 11

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After the festival started to wind down, the citizens of Winter Grove left the town square and headed towards the bars and restaurants of Main Street in search of somewhere warmer. Sterling and Celeste walked among them towards The Snowball's Chance. Sterling had a shift post-festival, and Celeste insisted on walking him there. It was only polite, she had said, as she was the one who'd asked him out. Sort of.

The date, real or not, had been a success. At least Sterling had enjoyed himself, much to his surprise. Despite the Christmas festivities all around them, keeping Celeste from moping about Jared had been a good distraction. And putting on a show to make her ex jealous had been strangely... fun. Even Celeste seemed to have enjoyed herself.

But now, as they reached the bar's entrance, he noticed her mood had begun to darken again. Sterling frowned. He had to go to work, but he didn't want to leave her like this. He glanced inside the big windows that lined the bar's front wall. It didn't look very busy just yet...

Sterling stopped just before the doors and turned to her. "Do you want to come in for a drink? Olly made a big batch of homemade eggnog that is actually pretty good."

"More alcohol? After last night?" Celeste laughed. "No thanks. I've learned my lesson and I don't need to add any more dumb mistakes to my list. I think I'm just going to turn in early." She let out a sigh.

Sterling frowned. He was right—her bad mood was back. He knew that if she went home now, she'd pick up her sad Christmas plans from where she left off. Love, Actually, and a box of tissues was waiting for her...

"It doesn't need to be an alcoholic drink," Sterling suggested.

"It's okay. Don't worry about me. You need to get to work, don't you? It looks like Olly needs you." She pointed through the window, where Olly was waving maniacally at them from behind the bar. He was in another Christmas sweater, this one a red and white swirl, like a giant peppermint candy. It's almost psychedelic, making Sterling's stomach turn.

Sterling just stared back at his friend. "He can wait. You know, maybe I should walk you home...." After all, Alicia had called in her favour to ask that he keep an eye on her. If he couldn't prevent a sappy movie sobfest, then it was at least his duty to make sure she got home safe.

"No, no! You don't have to do that! My apartment is close."

"I don't like sending women off on their own, especially at night."

"Don't worry about it," Celeste said. "I can survive the mean streets of Winter Grove, I assure you. And you've got to get to work. The bar is starting to fill up."

It was. But she was right—her place was close. It wouldn't take long...

"Would it make you feel better if I texted you when I got back?" she offered when she realized he wasn't going to give up.

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