Chapter 1: First Dark Guardian

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"Darkness grows inside him."

"We can use him."

"No. We can't."

Zavala looked Ikora.

"He's my Guardian."

The unconscious Guardian Ghost flew out.

"What's is your name?" Zavala asked the Ghost

"He named me Shadow."

Ikora looked at he Guardian.

"He's Human...I can't tell if he's a Titan, Warlock, or Hunter."

"He's neither. If you have to pick what's he close to..... what you guys call a Warlock."

They heard the Guardian groan.

"Where the hell am I?"

"You are safe." Shadow said

The Guardian looked around to find where was it at.

"Who are you guys?"

"I'm Zavala commander, and the Titan's Vanguard."

"I'm Ikora. The Warlock's Vanguard."

The Guardian looked at him.

"Do you have any memories?" Ikora asked

He just looked at him.

"No. I just feel a dark power inside me. I don't like it that much."

Zavala and Ikora looked at each other.

"Am I on the right side?"

"You are." The Guardian's Ghost replied

"What is your name?" Zavala looked the Guardian

The Guardian was thinking of his name. He was searching his thoughts.


Ikora examined the Human, and something unexpected.

"Zavala look at his arm and armor."

When Awoken male looked, he was disturbed.

"Siva." He muttered

"A Guardian that controls Siva?" Ikora was shocked

"I remembered someone gifting me with this....Siva. What is Siva?"

Zavala looked at the Male.

"Dark Golden Age Tech."

"So I don't belong here." Mars said coldly

"You do. We can teach you how to use your power for good." Ikora said reassuringly

The Male looked at the two Vanguards.


"Let's get you to a room." Zavala said

The male nodded. They helped him up from examination table. They walked him to an empty room, for him to call home.

"This is your home now. You will be safe here Guardian." Ikora said

The Guardian felt like his can be his new home.

Months Later:

Mars adjusted to his new powers. He hung around the drifter most of the time. Zavala hated that. Ikora didn't mind.

He made his own weapons with his power. He made a Pulse rifle, and a hand cannon. The Drifter taught him somethings. People didn't really associate with him. The other Guardians knows what siva is and how dangerous is it.

He became an Outcast.

"You have a mission." Shadow said

Mars looked at his ghost.

"What is it?"

"We have to go to cosmodrome. Seems like the Cabal and the Fallen are gathering, making a plan of some sort."

"Alright. Let's go to the ship."

Mars and his ghost went to his ship in the hanger. No other Guardian looked at them.

"Guardian." Amanda Holiday said


"Your ship is ready."

"Thank you."

Mars hopped in his ship.

"People think you are Dark Guardian." Shadow said

"I am."

Mars Ghost look at him and nudged him.

"I'm speechless for once."

Mars chuckled at his ghost.

"At least I have you."

"I'm your Ghost. I stay with you."

They pair landed in the cosmodrome. Mars started to feel something. Something was pulling him into a different direction.

"It's calling me." He muttered

"Siva?" His Ghost wondered

Mars nodded.

"It's telling me where to go."

Shadow was conflicted. Continue the mission, or go to Siva.

"Let's go to Siva."

Soon as the Ghost said that Siva nanites attached to Mars and Shadow. The nanites took them to the plaguelands. When they got there, the nanites took them to the a bunker. Siva's bunker.

"Shadow what is this place?"

"This is Siva's bunker...Your home of your power."

Mars looked around. The nanites formed a message.

"Welcome home Master."

Mars looked at his Ghost.

"I think I like this power."

"You are a Dark Guardian after all."

Mars walked around the bunker. He saw a throne made of siva wires and nanites.

"They are feeding me a lot of knowledge about this power."

"Me too."

"I can make an army of people controlled by me."

The nanites made a figure.

"That's Atheon, but Guardians killed him."

"We can rebuild him and shape him into our will."

"So are we going to Venus?"

I nodded at my ghost.

"And I our nanites are coming too." 

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