Chapter 8: Leads, and Truths

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Damien was in the shooting range, his ghost was helping him aim better. He was happy that Mars agreed to be in a fireteam with him, but they needed a third.

"You know Mars and me are family."

"I know."

"I wonder how this is going to work."

Damien smiled a bit.

"It's going work out perfectly."

"You think so?"

Both Damien and Phantom was shocked to hear Mars voice.

"How long you been there?"

"Long enough to hear everything."

Damien was embarrassed.

"I understand we are family, but I really don't care."

"Wow harsh." Shadow said

Mars rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry about him. It's hive side, that wants to show dominance."

"I understand."

"I don't get it."

Mars sighed and walked away.

"Your the son of Oryx. Crota was Oryx son. Mars feels like he has to prove something because of your father."

"Oryx wanted to avenge his son though."

"Yeah. It's just a Hive thing to show power."

Damien rushed out the shoot range to find Mars. His eyes widen when he saw a black fluid on the ground and black smoke leaving Mars' body.

"What's wrong?" He cried as he rushed over to his friend

"Don't worry about it."

"We are family! I need to worry about it."


"His body is weak right now. He needs to rest."


"He's been practicing hive magic. It's taking a toll on his body."

Damien looked at Shadow.

"I can help. I can heal him."

"Don't..." Mars muttered.

"Do it." Shadow insisted

Damien took a breath and placed his hand on Mars back. He began staying hive magic words.

The black fluid and black smoke vanished.

"I'm done."


"No problem. I can teach you how to do it."

The warlock sighed.

"Sure. I can teach you something in return."

Mars walked away leaving the situation awkward.

"Where is he going?"

"Probably to see Mara Sov." Phantom answered.

"Are they a thing?"

We can spy on them and find out.

"Let's do it!"

"I must say your whole personality changed since you got what you wanted."

"You don't like the new me?"

"I'm not sure. But why the change?"

"Because I feel accepted. Plus dueling Mars opened my eyes a bit."

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