Chapter 7: A Duel

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Damien exited his throne world and found himself in his room at the tower. He grabbed his gun. Damien was a hand cannon specialist. His secondary weapon was sniper. His final weapon was a sword. His called his sword Orxy claymore. His hand cannon was called Orxy cry. The hand cannon shoots bullets that over penetrate the enemy, but those who are still alive from his hand cannon say they can hear Orxy voice. Damien hand cannon can also be shot in full auto along leaving taken blight turret, with the bullet hits the ground. His sniper was a dark version of 1000 yard stare. His sniper was called the taken king wings. Each bullet was filled with poison. When an enemy is killed, a poison cloud is left behind.

Damien left his room, and went straight towards Ikora. The Warlock Vanguard was talking to another Warlock.

"I need to speak with you." He interrupted

Ikora looked at him.

"We will talk later." She said to the Warlock.

Damien rolled his eyes as the Warlock looked at him, before walking away.

"Can you reach Mars?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just answer my question."

"You have no right to order me to answer your question!"

The Hunter scoffed.

"You don't need to know why I'm asking."

"Yes I do! He is part of the tower!"

"You are protecting him."

Ikora glared at the Hunter.

"And If I am?"

"He doesn't need to be protected."

"Yes he does!"

"It's been a long time since he left. He's never coming back! Why are you protecting someone who is abandoned the tower?"

Ikora raised her hand, ready to slap Damien, but she felt someone grabbed her wrist. She looked and was shocked to see who it was.


He smiled, then his gazed shifted to Damien, as he let Ikora's wrist go.

"Your the Hunter, from Dreaming City."

"The name is Damien."

"I hear you are looking for me."

"Yes I have."

"What do you want?"

"I want to challenge you to a duel."

He saw the Guardian raise a brow.

"Is that your way of impressing me?"

Damien nodded.

"Alright fine."

"Let's make this interesting." The Hunter proposed

"I'm listening."

"If I win we become a fireteam."

"What if I win?"

"I gift you anything you want."

The Siva welder smiled.


"First person to ten wins." Damien said with a cocky tone

Mars chuckled, then he looked at Ikora.

"I have to talk to you and Zavala, but after this duel."


Damien and Mars walked towards Lord Shaxx for their duel. Every Guardian was looking at them.

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