Chapter 5: Another Dark Guardian

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He sat on his throne, in his hive realm. He listened to a god's song and learned from it. Savathûn's song he hummed, but twisting it to his own will. His ghost floated next to him.

"You are humming again."

He glanced at his Ghost.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

He gripped the arms of his throne.

"So you said it's another Dark Guardian like me."

"Yes. He controls Siva. I haven't found the other one yet."

He smirked.

"My Hive told me they seen this Siva guy before."

"I see."

"Do you know where is he?"


"Let's go find him."

He rose from his throne and began to leave his hive realm. He found himself on the moon. His eyes looked around and he saw other Guardians. They were fighting Hive and Fallen. He ignored them and went to his ship.

"Where is this Guardian?"

"The iron temple. He training to control his power."

"Where does he live?"

"The tower, like all guardians."

"I guess we go there."

"I'll start the course."

They traveled to the tower.

"They going be scared of me." The guardian said

"Damien...You are a Guardian. They won't be scared."

He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever Phantom."

Damien is a human hunter. He has a hive army at his disposal. He knows Hive's magic, and cunning ways. After all he was taught by the Witch Queen herself. He has a hunter's knife, but instead of the hunter subclass, his hive army is his subclass. He can cast hive spells, summon different hive, and corrupt other Guardian's to his will if needed.

He has his own motives. He kept to himself, and stays in his Hive throne world most of the time.

"Something is wrong with the ship." Phantom said in a panic

"What's wrong?"

"This is Ikora, who are you?"

"I'm a new Guardian." Damien said

The ship was free from her grasp.

"You can land here Guardian."

Damien landed the ship. His ghost and him got the ship. They saw the warlock Vanguard.

"You must be Ikora."

She nodded.

"I sense you are another Dark Guardian."

Damien smiled.

"Indeed I am. Born from the Dark Traveler."

Ikora didn't react.

"I see. Follow me."

He followed her. Zavala saw them and began walking next to Ikora.

"Were you correct?"

"I was."

They walked into Zavala's office.

"Welcome to the tower."

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