Chapter 6: The Song

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He was in his throne realm. Humming his corrupted Song. His hive was bowing to him. He smirked has his Hive knight was telling him something important.

"So he has his father's sword?"

He chuckled. He got up and left his throne world.

Damien was back in his room. His ghost looked at him.

"How was your world?"

"I learned that guardian has his father's sword."

"I see."

He grabbed his gun and put it on his back.

"Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to the crucible. I heard that Guardian is popular there."

"I see."

"We going play?"


Damien walked over to the Crucible leader Shaxx. Shaxx looked at him.

"You are joining in today's Crucible match?"

"Yes. Rumble to be exact."

Shaxx smiled under his helmet.

"I want to be that's Guardian's record."

Shaxx laughed.

"The others didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He watches over us, and his record."

Damien laughed.

"I don't believe that."

"You will see."

Damien walked passed Shaxx and entered the rumble match.

"Bannerfall." Shaxx said

Damien smirked and began hunting the other Guardians.

"Five down in 10 seconds." He muttered

Damien started shooting Guardians left and right.

"Five seconds."

Damien saw a siva nanites.

"What the-"

He was shot by another Guardian was forced to respawn.

"He's watching the match..." Phantom said

"Maybe this is an opportunity for show my skills to him."

"You want to be in fireteam with him?"


Damien started his hunt again. He was determined to win the rumble match.

After the Rumble match:

Damien won the Rumble match, but didn't break Mars record. He saw Shaxx's waiting for him.

"I told you he watches over us."

"How long he's been gone?"

"Months. Ikora and Zavala knows more about him."

Damien chuckled, as he took off his helmet.

"Is he coming to this Iron Banner?"


Damien walked away, and he went to his room.

"Are you upset?"

He looked at his ghost, and smirked.

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