3. "Friend"

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Jin's P.O.V.

I knew exactly what I was doing. Aecha might've forgotten everything and gotten brainwashed, but her feelings don't change that fast.

One thing that's making me kind of worried is that I couldn't hear her thoughts. I could still feel that connection and know where she is though.

I immediately sensed that something was wrong when she woke up, but tried to ignore it because she was just broughten back to life, and I don't really expect her to go back to normal right away. 

I do know that she did like me before she died and got back to life. I just hope that faking my love for Jessica will make Aecha get some memories.

Aecha still doesn't know what happened with Geumjae. My next plan is making her remember this and the best way is to trigger her trauma. I won't do what he tried to do to her! My plan is to make her watch a movie with something close to what happened to her. As awful as it sounds, that's the only thing I thought of. That's exactly what we were doing right now at her house.

"Why are we watching this? This is awful!" she asked, clearly uncomfortable by the movie about rape.

"Sorry, this is the movie I found. I thought it was good," I lied, acting innocent.

"I'm going to drink water, I'm having a headache." Bingo.

"Okay." I waited, carefully hearing her every step and completely ignoring the movie playing in the background. Her headache made me know that my plan worked, and at this point I was just waiting for her realization.

CRAASH! A sound of glass hitting the ground and breaking was suddenly heard. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

I smiled to myself. I wanted to scream 'don't say that word in front of me' so bad, but now wasn't the right time. "AECHA ARE YOU OKAY?!" I faked my worry and rushed down to her.

She looked at me with her face very shocked. "I killed Geumjae?!"

Please don't tell me she only remembered this! "What?"

Tears gathered up in her eyes. "He.. he tried to rape me!" My facial expressions softened as I went closer to her and hugged her. Hah, I'm the best at acting. I didn't care about all the glass pieces on the floor because Aecha was the most important thing right now. "How could he? He was my friend!" She started crying while resting her head on my shoulder.

"It's okay! It'll be okay, don't worry!" I pat her head gently as she continued sobbing on my shoulder. At least she remembered this.

She looked up at me. Her eyes were very puffy and red however looked as gorgeous as always. "How does Yoongi feel about this?" I froze at her question. What should I answer? I can't tell her the truth! "You said I have lost my memory. Is this one of the things I've forgotten?"

I nodded while trying my best not to lose my softened look at the mention of the demon. "Yes, you forgot this, but I don't know Yoongi's reaction."

"Is this why he's been ignoring my messages?" She sniffed cutely while looking up at me with her cute doe eyes.

"I don't know. He doesn't deserve you anyway. Just calm down!"

"I don't deserve him you mean. He's been so sweet to me all this time then I went and killed his brother. I hate myself!" She started crying again and buried her face in the crook of my neck. Her words ached my heart at the fact that she hates herself.

"Don't say that, Aecha! You're amazing! It was his fault, you were just doing self defense. Don't put the blame on yourself. You need to love yourself because you're amazing!"

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