8. Headache

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Jin's P.O.V.

I saw Aecha becoming a bit dizzy before she completely lost balance. I quickly catched her before she fell on the ground and sat down on the couch with her in my arms. I just hope she doesn't get any flashback because of the spots she saw on my back. She's never seen them before so she can't get a flashback about them! It's impossible!

Aecha's eyes suddenly flashed open as she started breathing heavily. "You okay?" I asked, watching her in my arms. She looked at me as she started tearing and covered her face with the palm of her hands. She definitely didn't remember anything good. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked worriedly this time. She sat up and hugged me, crying on my shoulder without uttering a single word. I respected her silence and just patted her back, trying to calm her down. "It's okay, it's just memories. You're okay!"

"I'm not!" She cried even harder, making the shirt I just wore wet. She clenched my shirt, sobbing hard and wrapped her legs around me. It was enough for me to feel butterflies, but now wasn't not the time to feel all wobbily.

"Yoongi wants to kill me! You were right! He will harm me!" She sobbed harder as my eyes widened. She remembered this now?!

"Did you see or hear details? And how long did you see?" This is not good.

"I didn't see much. He just told me that he wants to.. k-kill me while I was.." She gripped my shirt harder. "Bleeding and hurt. I was crying and begging him to let me go. I didn't see anything more." I sighed in relief, even though she did see some awful things. She's not ready for how she got hurt and how it ended now, so it's good she only saw this. She should at least see everything from the beggining.

I patted her back. "It's okay. As long as someone is accompanying you two or I'm watching you, he wouldn't do anything." She looked at me with swollen eyes as I passed her a smile. Her soft hair was messy as her whole face was red. She had a beautiful blush on her nose with her wet eyelashes showing their length, making her even cuter.

"Are you sure?" I nodded still with a smile to make her feel better. "Thank you!" She burried her head into the crook of my neck, still having her arms and legs wrapped around me. Her body felt very warm and cozy. I absolutely loved her hug and just wanted to cuddle with her and treat her like a princess forever like what she deserves. "Can I stay over at your place? I don't wanna be left alone," she mumbled on my neck, kind of tickling me.

My heart beat faster at that. So she trusts me? "Of course, no problem!" I felt her lips smiling as they brushed on my skin.

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Aecha's P.O.V.

I've gotten closer to Jin and been sleeping at his place to not spend time alone. I want to break up with Yoongi because he is dangerous, but I still haven't done it yet. I still love him, so it's really hard to just let go of everything because of a single thing he did and a vision that I don't even know if it is true.

I've been treating Yoongi like normal, like being close to him, kissing him, letting him hold my waist and so on. I still haven't told him anything, so he behaved normally and treated me like he usually does. He didn't scold or tell me anything about helping Jin which I appreciate because it's my life and my friends. Though, I'm kind of scared of him even though I'm allowing him to be close to me. I think he wants to kill me because I killed his brother, but did he really like me when we started dating or did he just do it to take revenge? I really do love him! I hope he loves me too.

These past weeks I've been getting headaches again. Everytime I see both Jin and Yoongi together my headache gets worse. I've been skipping school and staying at home, well Jin's home, for the past few days. Jin has been skipping school too and staying with me to take care of me, even though I insisted on not doing that.

The last two days were the worst. I barely ate anything, I barely moved, I barely drank anything, I barely did anything! I just layed in bed and watched TV all day or watched Jin. We, and with we I mean Jin and I, think that I'm about to get a flashback. Jin is telling me that it might be the incident before my last vision, in other words I mean how I actually got in that place. He thinks it is that because it definitely left some trauma in my brain and might explain the pain I'm having. What I think on the other hand is that I'm about to get a really big vision, and I hope it comes soon because I'm sick and tired of this headache.

"How are you feeling now?" Jin asked as he approached me with a hot cup of tea. "Here, drink this."

I took the cup gently as he sat down. "Thanks. Well, I'm not feeling better. I just hope this vision comes soon before the headache gets even worse because I don't think I'll be able to handle it." I had taken some pain killers which really eased it for me but I still felt the pain.

"You'll be okay! You're strong!" he said, comforting me as he put his hand above mine and passed me a smile. For some reason, his gentle touch on my hand left some butterflies flying around inside of me. His hand was bigger than mine, long, slim and veiny. As much as it might sound weird, his hand is quite attractive.

I smiled back, checking his face. His face was pale and he looked like he was sick or hadn't drunken any water or eaten today. His eyes were tired as dark circles surrounded it. His lips weren't the usual color of rosie or red, but light pink and almost white ish.

"Jin, are you okay? You're so pale! Have you eaten anything?" I asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I just sometimes look sick and pale when I haven't slept well." He passed me a smile which seemed pretty fake, but I decided to ignore it as he probably doesn't want to talk about it. Though I was worried about. He didn't look anything near well and him lying just made me even more worried.

"Come lay down. Have some rest!" I said, patting the bed beside me. He scooted next to me as he made himself comfortable and layed his head on my shoulder. His small gestures were somehow making me feel all wobbily on the inside. I don't know why I'm feeling some kind of connection and getting flustered around him when I should be feeling that towards Yoongi. Though I think me and Yoongi aren't supposed to be together, so I hope I get over him easily. Even though I'm scared of Yoongi and believe that we don't belong together, I still love him so I don't understand why Jin makes me so flustered.

"Did you like your tea?" Jin asked, making me get back to my senses and remember the tea.

I took a sip of the tea, feeling the kind of bitter taste in my mouth. Yet, it was delicious. "It's good, thank you."

"No problem." He played with my hair. "Hope you get better soon."

"Thank you. I have a question though."

"What is it?"

"I don't have my memory as you know, so I wanna ask how your first day in school was. How did the class react at your handsome face?"

He giggled, wrapping his arms around my body to hug me. Damn, he's making me go crazy! "Well." I put down my cup and looked at him. "I stood shyly in front of the class. Being the nerd and introverted person I am I avoided every eye contact ever, except for one."


He smiled. "Someone." Jin looked up at the ceiling, replaying the scenario in his head as I could feel my headache getting worse. "I remember every girl in the class being absolutely desperate to sit beside me. I got to choose my place and everyone screamed to get my attention, but nobody got my attention as they were all screaming at the same time. Only the silent ones got my attention, so I decided to sit close and beside a person that didn't scream."

I gripped my shirt harsly as my headache was getting unbearable even though I have taken pain killers. "I-I'm sorry Jin. I can't focus on your words. I don't feel so good."

He sat up and looked at me worriedly. "Lay back. Take a deep breath and close your eyes," he demanded as I tried listening to him but I was getting so dizzy. I could barely see anything as everything in the room, including Jin, was spinning.


life: shutting down.

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