19. Body exchange

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Aecha's P.O.V.

Me and Jimin ended up finding out that Yoongi had taken Jin's body was Yoongi. He was the one standing in front of us and to not be able to know that we found out about him, Jimin put a block to my thoughts so that Yoongi won't be able to read my mind. We later just got out of there and went to my house with Jimin with me.

"Where's Jin? I saw his body dead, with no pulse, then he woke up and told me that he's there. I think Yoongi took over already when he woke up," I asked Jimin as we entered my apartment.

"Jin can't die, so he probably got in a fight with Yoongi and trapped his soul in heaven. I can get him back, but I don't want you stay here alone. I'll call one of my and Jin's friends to find Jin. I'm one of the younger ones so I don't know much in heaven, I'd better stay with you," Jimin explained.

"Wait how old are you? Are you younger than Jin?" I asked.

"No, if you look at the angels that saved you so Jin's friends then he's the youngest. He's only 27 years old, so he got his first angel at 3 years old like all other angels do. You are his first." Wow. "Don't worry though, you had two angels until Jin turned 18, so you were 15 years old. I'm 467 years old now. Yoongi is older than me and Jin. He's 6666 years old. We can't win against him."

"Woah, that's cool. So should I call you oppa?" The angel shook his head, chuckling. "By the way, do you know how he knew that you that officer's angel?"

"Demons are really good at stealing information and knowing everything about you in a span of seconds," Jimin explained.

Damn. "Do you perhaps know why Yoongi saved me then?"

"I think he wants to kill you on his own.." A shiver ran through my spine by the sudden evil and frightening information. I thought he was being nice for once.

Suddenly, Jimin folded his wings and started talking to what seems another angel. Did he just use his wings as a phone? "Oh, you know where Jin is? Can you bring him down immediately? What do you mean his body is not available? Can't he just use some random dead man's body?" What the fuck? "No? Then Yoongi's body." Jimin giggled. "Thank you, I know I'm smart! Okay, bye." He was about to return his wings back to normal when he put them back to his ears confusingly. "Yes hyung?" He waited for a moment, looking shocked and even more shocked at every second that passes. "What? What do you mean with that?" Jimin looked at me, looking kind of worried. What's going on? I was starting to get a little bit worried by Jimin's facial expressions. "I will try my best hyung. Thank you, bye!" He opened his wings, making them return to normal.

One thing I overheard from Jimin's call was 'opposites can kill'. I don't know what the other angel meant with that, but it was definitely something bad. Jimin looked worried and shocked, which means whatever they were talking about was bad.

"They know where Jin is and he's going to return in Yoongi's body as fast as possible," Jimin said.

"Why were you looking so shocke-" I couldn't complete my sentence before we heard sounds of someone groaning.

"Ow! Ow!" We look towards the sound, only to see Yoongi with wings trying to fly but crashing into walls. "How am I supposed to fly with this useless body?!"

"Jin?" I asked. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Yoongi's body flying.

"Yah! Don't laugh at me! It's not funny!" He put away his wings and stood on his feet. "Thank you Jimin hyung. I really appreciate it."

"I'd be going now," Jimin said as he disappeared. I stared at the evil man's body, kind of suspicious even though I know that Jin is in there.

"So you remembered that I'm an angel or you just found out?" he asked.

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